SEIKO Colorpainter H74 S

The speed is very good, quality is fine and maintenance isn't very demanding. Fine machine.
Downsides are high ink price and very very sensitive (and expensive) printheads which don't last very long. Usually about every 6 months we have to replace a one printhead (and we try to maintain the machine as good as possible).
It is run by Onyx Postershop.
Hi Davor,
What printhead that were most replaced??
Here I had to replace two magenta M2, M7, every 6 months also, the M2 is bad again, using only 600 m2 per month. and are really expensive here in Brazil.
Photoprint RIP, I think the points very grainy to 12 picoliters.
(sorry - google translator)
Hi Meicat,
Mostly we have problems on light colors (LC, LM), images are generally OK (with Onyx Postershop).


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