If you didn't clear out the factory default paper catalog, there are already presets built in for it, however the naming is weird as are most things on Konica Minolta's because of the translation from Japanese to English. If you scroll through the paper catalog on the screen at the engine, you'll see something like "high-depth paper" or similar. I used to work for Konica Minolta and we had a C6085 in the demo room, I just can't remember the exact naming and which settings it changed in the process adjustment screen. Also, check with your PSC (Production Solutions Consultant who provided the training) or the service tech. I printed plenty of textured stocks during demos like linen, laid, and so on. I do remember that it wasn't always the best with really deep textures like columns.
Also, be sure to ask for the "Substrate Throughput Assurance Guide" from your KM contact. This has a list of all media that has been tested and certified for the press along with recommended settings.