Taki makes a very good UV off line coater, that is wonderful for an installation in a printer's plant. There will be no problem for energy and undercure. There are 3 lamp banks, and you only usually need only one bank to get adequate cure. Best UV coating is hard to say. Don't necessarily go with the lowest cost (cheapest caoating). But make sure you have a UV technician for the coating product work with you intimately upon start up; to ensure you are getting the finish, smoothness of lay and proper curing rate. Over curing can be as bad as under curing. This tech guy should spend no less than 5 working days on your floor when they start running product. Then, going forward, he should be available within 12 hours to be on your floor to provide service should you run into any problems. Need that service, believe, it is crucial, as in any endeavor in our industry.