Re: what about agfa antares CTP
The Antares line was OEM'd from Cymbolic Sciences,
which was eventually bought (Gretag?), and the line
was eventually discontinued.
The device owes its heritage from the printed circuit board
market, and is a very nice, simple and precise design. The
Antares could also use film, as a transition into CTP.
As I recall, that laser was a FD-YAG 532 nm 100 mW
laser (green), that imaged both photopolymer and
silver-based plates.
Those lasers are (I believe) in short supply now, and
at one point, there was a company (or two) that had
aftermarket upgrades to longer-life 405 nm violet
laser diodes.
Check out the condition of the laser, and see if you
have access to replacements, or upgrades to violet.