I am having an issue choosing an uncoated profile to aim for. The 70# uncoated paper I am trying to fingerprint measures out to Lab= 93.0/2.6/-11.9 using an eye-one without a uv filter and is 10.5 delta E from the requested value for paper type 4 in the bvdm 2006 manual.
Should I use the PSO uncoated profile and try to make it work as best as I can? If so when I go to find my SID lab values,should I subtract the difference from my paper and the requested paper to get the correct target values ( eg... add 2.0 values for the L and subtract 9.9) ?
Thanks in advance !!!!!!
*edit, most of our uncoated work is black grayscale photos and text, such as highschool winter/fall sports books, so the majority of the work is not critical but I want to strive for the best we can do. We only occasionally get 4 color uncoated jobs.
Should I use the PSO uncoated profile and try to make it work as best as I can? If so when I go to find my SID lab values,should I subtract the difference from my paper and the requested paper to get the correct target values ( eg... add 2.0 values for the L and subtract 9.9) ?
Thanks in advance !!!!!!
*edit, most of our uncoated work is black grayscale photos and text, such as highschool winter/fall sports books, so the majority of the work is not critical but I want to strive for the best we can do. We only occasionally get 4 color uncoated jobs.
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