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OnPrintShop solution has integration with variety of payment gateway api. Payment gateway send back notification to system (website) from where payment request was generated to update / mark orders as paid.
Each payment gateway has different integration system & we need to write code accordingly.
Then why do you need a copy of the customer data? In our investigation of the database, clearly Radix is getting a copy of all Paypal information and that includes the amount, together with the customer's name, customer's email address, customer's phone number, whether or not their payment is Eligible, and a whole slew of data likely unnecessary to be sent back to Radix directly.
You can attack me all you want, but you have yet to answer why you need a copy of customer data.
You may have 300 customers, but if I were a betting woman, I'd bet that none of them had to hire another developer --- so your secret would have been kept a secret for a very long time had I not needed to release Radix of your duties on my web site.