Why different file format print different effect in CGS?


Hello everyboy,

After I retouched images, I want to check the color if it matched with customer's proof. So I send a .TIF image to CGS color management system. But the effect is different with .PDF file.
Why different file format print different effect in CGS?

The PDF file was created by Illustrator and no color conversion.

Can you tell me the reason and which one is correct?

Thanks & Regards,
How is the PDF sent to the CGS system?

Do you drop both the TIF and the PDF into a "hot folder"?

Or do you drop the TIF into a folder and print the PDF from Acrobat Reader?

How are you feeding the different file formats into the printing system?


Stephen Marsh
Hi Robin,
could you please be more specific on the different effect. Are you just talking about colors or other effects as well?
If it is just color then you should make sure that both files do have embedded profiles and that they are both in CMYK.
Thanks All of you!

Under your guideline, I checked the files, the .TIF file had embedded profile, and the PDF file was save without. So I think this is the reason.

Thanks & Regards


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