• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

Search results

  1. SZmetana

    Pantone: + or not?

    PANTONE values will be different, depending on whether you are targetting M0, M1 or M2 measurement conditions. Adobe only provides ColorBridge values for one measurement condition. In the past, Adobe supplied M2 values for ColorBridge PANTONE colors, as M2 was considered the defacto standard...
  2. SZmetana


    You can continue to use the Harmony to do tonal calibration for Kodak Prinergy, but Kodak recommends you make the switch to ColorFlow. Harmony just does single-channel adjustment of values, it doesn't know anything about the "color" of your presswork. ColorFlow Workflow Edition is included with...
  3. SZmetana

    Pantone Color Percentages...

    Of course, specific CMYK numbers for any PANTONE color don't mean that much, because the printed appearance of the same CMYK numbers will vary tremendously, depending on substrate, inks, densities, gain, and other print conditions. To produce the most accurate spot color simulations with CMYK...
  4. SZmetana

    Looking for a Imposition solution

    Typically, if you need to do nested layouts, you need an application that can read the CF2 dieline file that will be used to make the die that cuts out the individual elements. The application will use the CF2 diefile as a template for positioning and rotating the different artworks that need...
  5. SZmetana

    Question about plate curves

    Normal calibration on output won't touch 1-bit data, bit it is possible to run a curve on one-bit data. For instance, if you have the "Copydot Calibration" option in Prinergy, you can run a calibration curve on one-bit TIFFs. The algorithm does edge pixel dilation/expansion, and halftone dots...
  6. SZmetana

    Anyone experiencing network issues with the Epson Surecolor series over TCP/IP?

    Does your IT run any network scanning software? We had a problem when we first got in some 6000s and 7000s, where the blue light on the front would continually flash, in some cases with fans running and “Printing….” appearing on the front panel, and the printer front panel unresponsive. We...
  7. SZmetana

    is there a way to choke a color in Prinergy?

    Yes, it's possible by using the Cutback feature in the Prinergy trapper. It's the same idea as Rich Black trapping, where CMY gets pulled back from all white (non-ink) edges. This is also often referred to as pull-back. The Cutback feature in Prinergy is separate from automatic Rich Black...
  8. SZmetana

    Lab vs CMYK Spot Color in Acrobat...

    Pantone specifies ideal (target) values for each Pantone color in Lab. Most people never think about the fact that when they see CMYK values for any specific Pantone color, those numbers were derived from the target Lab values on the basis of a specific print condition: specific CMYK inks on a...
  9. SZmetana

    New Proofer suggestions

    Hi Mark, Kodak Matchprint Inkjet (MPI) v3.1.5 is almost 10 years old, dating from just before G7 was released to the general market. We are now on v8.0 of MPI proofing software, and have bundled support for the latest GRACoL color aims. (MPI 8.0 additionally supports the Epson SureColor...
  10. SZmetana

    Lenticular printing software

    Bear in mind that the imaging of lenticular plates has special requirements as well. Although each batch of lenses has a nominal frequency (pitch) that you create the interlaced images for, in actual practice the true frequency/pitch of each batch will vary somewhat, due to manufacturing...
  11. SZmetana

    Do I need Curve3 if I already have Prinergy Evo 5.2?

    Hi Ben, You have ColorFlow Workflow Edition with Prinergy Evo 5.2, and you can create and measure color characterization charts in ColorFlow and generate grey balance curves to hit GRACoL C1 (ie, G7) on each of your presses. To use the curves, you can either go the full ColorFlow route and...
  12. SZmetana

    Will X-Rite i1 Pro2 work in Kodak Colorflow 1.2?

    Hi Alien, i1 Pro 2 has been qualified for ColorFlow and higher. Note that if you have an earlier version of the i1iO scan table, it must get the retrofit from X-Rite to support the i1 Pro 2 head. If you have an i1 Pro 2 that incorporates multiple illuminant measurement conditions in a...
  13. SZmetana

    CIP3 at press is too red

    It seems the press guys are saying the CIP3 file is too heavy, but the CIP3 file is just a low-res TIFF created by resampling the actual data appearing on the plate. So the CIP3 file from Prinergy is accurate -- it just sounds like they want one individual separation "cut back," in the same...
  14. SZmetana

    Rampage Imposed Tiff to Prinergy

    Rampage Imposed Tiff to Prinergy Hi Linda, You are correct in your assumption that Prinergy normally doesn't touch 1-bit TIFF data in an input file. The seams you see in a PDF are simply how Acrobat (or virtually any program) displays high-resolution 1-bit data on a monitor. Depending on the...
  15. SZmetana

    Kodak Pnadora on Windows 7

    Kodak Pandora on Windows 7 Kodak Pandora on Windows 7 Pandora 3.0.1 has been qualified with Windows 7. Pandora 2.9.7 was released long before Windows 7 came out and so was never officially qualified. I have tested some sample files using Pandora 2.9.7 on Windows 7 and haven't noticed any...
  16. SZmetana

    CTP plate dots

    Dot Shapes Dot Shapes I think this must be your first experience of looking at printed digital halftone dots through a microscope. These are completely normal printed offset dots. In fact, they are pretty good quality. If you saw the same dots printed flexo, they would look much more...
  17. SZmetana

    CTP plate dots

    What area are you looking at? What area are you looking at? Hi Nishanth, In what areas do you see a variety of shapes? In a "flat tint" area, an area which has exactly the same tone? (Such as a square of 30% black?) Or are you looking into a color halftone area? I would be surprised if...
  18. SZmetana

    Pandora OSX 10.5.7 Start but only 1 tab

    Hi Robert, Are you running with the latest version of Pandora? (2.9.7 build 1840)? It's working fine on my 10.5.7 Mac. Not sure what you mean by "only 1 tab". Might help to post a screen capture. Is it just one specific Mac, or all Macs? Stephen

InSoft Automation

InSoft Automation Unveils Imp Version 14

Revolutionizing Layout Planning and Automation

InSoft Automation announces the launch of Imp Version 14, the latest iteration of its industry-leading cost-based layout planning software. Packed with cutting-edge features, this release redefines efficiency, automation, and workflow optimization for printing and finishing processes.

Learn more…….
