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Agfa accuset 1000 plus - several problems


Active member
Hello all.
This is my first post.
Recently acquired a AGFA AccuSet 1000 Plus. Before buying it, testing was performed on a Taipan 2.1, the test came out perfect.
In this test reticles contained, rectangles with exact measurements, recording four large pages (660 mm), everything perfect.
I did not use the taipan, also because we have no skill with it. I decided to purchase a PCI card HW 776 8bit. The seller sent me a maliciously HW 476 that did not work, the message that appeared was Busy - Rip Active - 0c and nothing filming. I consulted a technician by phone, Wed directed me to install Windows 2000 Professional, for HW476 not work with Windows XP. We follow guidance, HW476 until communicated with the AccuSet filming some pages, only to give back the message Busy - 0cm. Then gave up the 476 diagnosed card problem. Then ask the vendor to send us one 776 and he did two weeks later. Just to be clear: the hardware settings and software are:

Athlon XP - 512 RAM - 80GB HD - Windows XP - Navigator 7.03 - Plugin Highwater downloaded on the website of Xitron. Tentatod was also HQ Torrent 6.0.
Also tested were two different parallel wires, each with the same result.

What happens is that with XP installed to 776 new, new formatting, installation of plugins and rip everything from scratch. We sent a small job which filmed with 127 exposure was very bad. Increased exposure to 255 (maximum).

We output a sequence of three works:

1 - Small Format 325x7cm 2400 dpi - With circles lattices
2 - Format of small 325x7cm 1200 dpi - With circles lattices
3 - Small Format with vectors 100% black - 2400dpi

1 - Failure: Towards the width of the film, the image came out good half and half missed out (cut points, intermittent blurry).
2 - Fairly good, the reticles out perfect, with a small blinking square on a drawing that came out distorted.
3 - Failures in the images, seemingly interrupted by white lines. Results similar to those of inkjet printers when the ink cartridge is at the end or dirty.

Note: Even in HW776 also happens to interrupt the filming giving the message Busy - RipActive - 3cm.

It was replaced by a PC Pentim duocore 3GHz - 2GB memory - but the results were the same. In order to rule out the POSSIBILITY of PC.

Could someone give me a light?

Forgive me the size of the post, is that I prefer to make it clear for those who are interested in helping.

All the best to everyone!!
The HW476 card is compatible with Windows 2000 and Windows XP Pro 32-bit editions. The HW776 card is compatible with the same operating systems.

Because the Accuset is also new to the equation you should run out a self test on the imagesetter itself. Once you confirm that the imagesetter is working properly then proceed with troubleshooting the RIP. NOTE: An internal self test from the imagesetter even if output correctly doesn't mean that the issue could not still be on a board inside the Accuset.

When running some of the older HW interfaces on a newer operating system you had to log into the computer system as a Power User. Create a Power User on the system and copy the RIP folder to the SHARED DOCUMENTS folder then log in using the Power User login and password.

It doesn't sound like your computer or PCI slots are the issue since you said you have tried three different computers. I would try what is listed above and see if it resolves your issue.
Hello, prepressing
thanks for the reply and for wanting to help. Today I took 4 tests in sequence in AccuSet: 1200 dpi with 150 exhibition, 1200 with 200 dpi Exposure, Exposure 2400dpi with 150 and 2400 with 200 exposure. All tests out perfect. I also did a fresh install of Windows XP Pro, installed the rip again from scratch, I did everything from scratch, including individual page setups. Nothing ... Does not shoot anything, the display shows RIP ACTIVE - 0cm.
I hope you can help me with news tips.
I tried to logon user, the result was the same. Now try an exchange of slots on the same machine. We'll see what happens, I'm about to install windows 2000 professional as last attempt before calling the technician here in Brazil is a fortune.
It is unlikely that you have two bad interface cards and three bad computers. It is possible that the interface cards and/or cables are still an issue, but it is likely an issue with the software or installation procedure since you are not using original install disks and may not be using the proper drivers. We can assist you with the install and setup but it would require opening up a billable support call because we would need to remote into the computer. The cost is $150 per hour, but we would likely be able to get this working within an hour or two at the most. We have access to different versions of the drivers for both the HW476 and HW776 interfaces. If you would like open a support call please go to our website:
Harlequin RIP, Harlequin RIPs, Software RIP, NEW! Harlequin Software RIP Version 9
and click on the chat live icon in the upper right or our SKYPE icon.
I appreciate your helpfulness, try a few more steps. Thank you. Then post here or if you can not solve.
Hello guys, I finally managed to make AGFA AccuSet to communicate with the RIP. Now observe that there are ghost images and often is where to record halftone dots are recorded lines, distorted images. Can anyone give me a hint of what could be? Some coaches are telling me is that card problem IEC. There is no error message on the control panel IEC AccuSet and all the commands are obeyed Rip, the only problem is that not filming properly.
Note: The problem was solved thanks to conunicação installing a newer driver HW 776.
Hello guys, I finally managed to make AGFA AccuSet to communicate with the RIP. Now observe that there are ghost images and often is where to record halftone dots are recorded lines, distorted images. Can anyone give me a hint of what could be? Some coaches are telling me is that card problem IEC. There is no error message on the control panel IEC AccuSet and all the commands are obeyed Rip, the only problem is that not filming properly.
Note: The problem was solved thanks to conunicação installing a newer driver HW 776.

Problem could be the IEC board. I would also look at the spinner. If you have someone in the area that knows how to service AccuSets, have them drop the Imager assembly and clean the index disk on the spinner.

Sistech Hello, Thanks for helping.
But in case there are problems with the engine spinner pages testing also would not leave with defects? The pages of tests we took came out perfect. Away say this machine was working with Rip Taipan without presenting the same problem. I called the service man AccuSet. The problem is that here in Brazil they charge per hour. Just to visit I'll have to pay $ 150.00. I would like to be familiar with the problem to avoid being scammed.
Thank you.

The cable you are using to connect RIP and AccuSet,is it the one used with the Taipan?
Highwater cards always came with there own cable. If I remenber correctly it's black in color.

When I bought this AccuSet came Rip Taipan, APIS board and cable with an adapter plate to Apis. I replaced the board APIS by Highwater 776 and put the same cable, excluding adapter. I have serious concerns that can be cable. On the other hand, there is the ATX cable is flexible within the AccuSet, I got the suspect to be the taipan. Sorry English, I use google translator to speak here.
Thank you for your attention.

If I remenber correctly the Highwater card is terminated differently than the APIS card
used in the Taipan. That is why you need to use the one that goes with the Highwater Card.

Yes, the cable that came with the card apis were actually two, with a parallel cable with both ends equal (36 pins) plus an adapter, having on one side 36-pin cable to connect to the other side bigger and with fewer pins to connect to the Apis Card. I simply removed the adapter and plugged in AccuSet and Highwater Card.
Both the parallel cable and the flex cable inside the machine are suspected me.
I'm posting an image that simulates the result I get in the output of films.
Thank you! exemplo.jpg
You can use the same long APIS cable for Taipan and HW RIPs because APIS protocol of data exchange wrote down in one of the chips installed at HW interface board.
APIS cable has only straight wires, no twisted pairs itself.
So, if the same cable was good for Taipan RIP when Accuset was demonstrated to you before purchasing, that means for me: cable OK, as well as flat cable inside the Accuset.
I installed enough Accusets with non-AGFA RIPs in my practice to say that.
By the way, your example impossible to be viewed to say more about the problem.
VladCanada, thank you for donating your time.
I did not get on when you say that my example is impossible to be seen. I understood about when you say the flex that is inside the AccuSet serves both as to ApisCard to HWcard. I suspected the cable by having seen the name of this same site: http://www.bob-weber.com/parts/part.aspx?modelid=248. (see third item.'s the same cable installed in my AccuSet)
Because the sample can not be seen I will describe what happens:

- The images appear distorted, blurred, exposure of 127 is not enough, the picture gets blurry Even then completely distorts ... instead of the reticles accusete draw straight lines ... the distance between a page and another is approximately 7cm. Feels that acusset works slower than data transmission. Seems missing synchronization between HW and board AccuSet.
I think this post can help solve many other problems with AccuSet, who despite being an old machine is very well regarded by Brazilian technicians, it has excellent quality ... Registered for runs of small formats is considered the best.
Thanks and hope you can help me with their experience.
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I think your problem comes from there <<Athlon XP - 512 RAM - 80GB HD - Windows XP - Navigator 7.03 - Plugin Highwater downloaded on the website of Xitron. Tentatod was also HQ Torrent 6.0.>>
I mean: you installed incorrect plugin Agfai32
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Hello Vlad,
I fail to believe it's plugins, I have several versions of various plugins to HW 776. From all that I installed (both drivers as plugins) that came closest was the result of a Version 5.09. The last one I tested (version 5.11) resulted in only two vertical lines ... did not draw anything. I will not try, because I have many yards media to waste. If you have any idea about any other plugin I will be extremely grateful. Like I said, I have two rips (Torrent 6 and Navigator).
Thank you!
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Xitron promissed to support HW, but I am so far from last versions of HQ RIPs now.
Last version Navigator I have is 5.54 and it has multi-device installer of plugins itself.
As I know, my RIP can not work with HW interface boards and when starts it asks for PB1 and PB2 PCBs - original Xitron inteface. Can work with single board version of Xitron interface.
It seems to me you try to mix unmixable things, Software RIP and non-original interface PCB.
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Thanks Vlad
Tomorrow a technical AGFA will make us a visit. If problems are resolved I will post here the procedures.

Thank you for your help!

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