Can be seen Overprint in Adobe Reader?


Hi everyone,
I have a trouble about the PDF files. The PDF files have a "varnish" layer which I created in Adobe Illustrator. When our customer review it, they just see a varnish plate. So, the Overprint can be available in the Adobe Reader? Can you give me a solution about this issue?
If your customer has Acrobat Pro have them open the PDF in Acrobat Pro then go to Advanced/Print Production/Output Preview

This will engage overprints as well as give them separations to toggle on and off for each color represented.

Best of Luck
I don't know what version of Acrobat Reader your customer is using, but in Acrobat Reader 9 you can set the overprint in the Preferences panel. Go to Preferences --> Page Display. Make sure "Use Overprint Preview" is set to always. Note: Acrobat reader 9 is a free download, so if your customer is using an older version of Reader tell them to download the latest version.
Or you can use transparanties in plave of overprint in you Illustrator.
Overprint is the old way (postcript), if you set your varnish color to Multiply the result in acrobat or in Illustrator will aways view like it is.
By default, Acrobat Reader 9 only displays overprinting for PDF/X files. The average user does not alter default settings, so if you rely on overprint preview, I would send out files in PDF/X. That being said, I agree with CHM that using transparency/blending modes will work around overprint issues (one may prefer to still use overprint for output ready files and only use transparency effects for "proofs").

Stephen Marsh
Dear All,
I appreciate your help very much. By your infromation, I believe that our customers will see Overprint effect in Adobe Reader.

Best Regards,


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