I am having problems with camera-ready ads that have been made into PDFs and have 4-color black text. Is there a way to convert the text to 100% black only and keep it as text (PS fonts).
I think I can do it with a fixup setting in a custom prepress check for text on more than one plate (and total ink of > 250 or something), but i'm not positive it will work.
I can also see opening in Illustrator and changing text objects to 100K, but this would have to be done object by object, no?
We have a fairly ad-hoc workflow and have to deal with files created with all kinds of nutty settings and processes. I don't have any add-on tools like PitStop, just the usual CS3 and Quark 5&6, and Acrobat 8. on PC.
I think I can do it with a fixup setting in a custom prepress check for text on more than one plate (and total ink of > 250 or something), but i'm not positive it will work.
I can also see opening in Illustrator and changing text objects to 100K, but this would have to be done object by object, no?
We have a fairly ad-hoc workflow and have to deal with files created with all kinds of nutty settings and processes. I don't have any add-on tools like PitStop, just the usual CS3 and Quark 5&6, and Acrobat 8. on PC.