DUPLO 618 ISSUE: Cutting 2 up 9x12 on 13x19 paper not straight cut


New member
I recently bought a Duplo 618 and its been great. Haven't had any issues with cutting postcards or business cards. I am now trying to cut 2up 9x12 cards on 13x19 350gsm paper and the cut is not straight. It almost looks wobbly. Its definetely not a straight cut. I don't understand what is happening other then the margins are too small on the sides? (i have .5 inch on each side). I have tried different skews with the knob and am also printing with reg marks so don't know what is happenign.

The slitting is fine, I am only running into an issue with the cutter and the cuts not being straight. Is it too wide of a cut for one piece than the machine is used to? Or is there supposed to be a gutter?

Has anybody run into this issue and know a good solution as its holding me up.

When you get smaller cuts towards the end of the sheet (as it's exiting the machine) it's harder for the rollers to hold the sheet down as it cuts. This means on thicker paper the sheets will sometime produce a curve since the sheet will move as it cuts, especially if the blade has gotten dull over time.
I haven't ever found a fix for this but we used to see it a lot on (on our older machine) with the last three business cards on a sheet if they were too close to the end of the sheet.

If anyone has a fix for it I'd love to know.
That makes sense and seems to describe exactly what is happening. Playing with the skew helped but did not eliminate the issue. Wonder if anybody has a solution for this or if Duplo is aware
What about instead of centering the job run it with a lead cut of 3/4" and the tail of 1/4". Yes if things are printed too close to the edges or tail edge you can get bad cuts. Make sure your rollers are clean.
Penny, this is a good idea that I will try if i can but the problem may be that my Konica C4065 is basically printing very close to its printable area already with it centered and with bleed included. It starts to print with poor quality when i get too close to the margin, but I will see if i can reduce bleed and see if that extra quarter inch on the trail end helps with the straightness.


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