Failure of automatic exposure, CTP Galileo VXT


When I try to send a test image from the galileo control console of me CTP Galileo VXT I get the following error:
Error number: 00DC
Device: Carriage Module
Description: Failure of automatic exposure
Action: Check the parameters of exposure and clean the rotating mirror

Check the rotating mirror and not dirty but still clean it carefully.
Anyone know how to set or revise these parameters?

I told you what to do in another thread.
You are still begging for the Professional Service and support for free of charge.
Do you think there are a lot of Galileo users?
And are they so much experienced in Galileo troubleshooting?
Me too I told you in my country there is no support from Agfa, now if you want to charge me to fix my problem I pay you no problem, but I thought that this is a forum where I can acquire knowledge and also show if any, as any other forum.

Now about the alleged thread which explains why I found it not put a new one and be more orderly in the forum.
Repeat once more:
Now you lost BOL position, edge sensor saturation and some other params because the spinner lost its original position in the nest.
GALILEO (especially VXT) is very complicated and sensitive device!
Every serious intervention behind the doors, lids and shrouds needs almost full recalibration over laser and spinner params.
You have to follow the instructions in Service Manual.
P.S. printroot with lack of moderation is not a good example of behaviour for members of printplanet
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VladCanada appreciate your comments when they are useful as any other, but some of your comments have nothing to do, as the case you mention printroot
Start from the beginning instead of giving lecture to the members of this forum. Everybody's free to make any comments on this forum. Vlad was just trying to prevent damages to your machine by asking you to call a service Tech to check your machine out and PAY FOR IT!!!!!!! I am sure you can't afford paying for his expenses to travel all the way from Canada to your country or can you??? No you can't afford it!!!
Are you a Service Tech? Who is the service provider? Yourself? What is your background?
Did you also clean the edge detect sensor?
Can you explain why this error generated and why did you try to send a test page? In the Normal situation one(Operator) can explain this as while imaging a plate such an error generated and the plate had no image on it. Or I removed the Plate from Drum manually because the error prompted to do so.
Did you touch the spinner, Edge detect sensor, Applicator, or any Parameters on the system Module? What is the story?
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