IBM AIX maintenance


Active member
Is there any maintenance procedure for IBM AIX 4.3.3 that i should do regularly ? Something like disk defragmenter or scandisk in Windows. On this computer is runing Brisque RIP 4.1.
No, Unix machines don't need that kind of maintenance. Just keep an eye on the available disk space. Log files can clog the root drive. When the drive reaches 90%, only root can log in, nothing else runs.
Yeah, that's not good. You may want to set up some sort of volume for the Brisque to move jobs to. I used an Xserve and setup a NFS share on that, then used the Brisque to mount it so I could move the jobs off. Worked very well.

In SMIT (doubt that it's in SCISMIT) deep down there is a defrag routine that you can run on the various mounts.
There is a separate volume for Brisque where jobs are stored.
Can you tell me what to delete from the /usr ? There are some temporary files that i could delete ?
Can you tell me exactly where is that defragmentation routine ?
No, I know it's in SMIT though. It's been four years or so since I last saw in the innards of a Brisque.


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