My shop has a four colour MAN Lithoman...we have a few odd jobs that are two colour (don't ask....). Anyhow, we run black cyan, with magenta and yellow as dummy plates. For about a year, we were using a plate that was burnt as a non-image area plate 100% (all anodized aluminum showing). On a Lithoman, you can unclutch the ink train and just run the water form on plate. In theory, apply water to entire plate, plate cools blanket, etc, etc.
Reality?? We had cyan ink coating our water forms in magenta and yellow by end of job (about 200,000 impresions). Reason: grain on the plate; we started using a plate that was bent back side out (the untreated aluminum is now our print surface). Problem never occured again. So, Disappointed, the basic problem is that your plate is picking up small amounts of ink from the emulsion applied to it and tracking it back over time. Running slightly higher levels of ink in the unit will help, but really the solution is a plate with a shallower grain....not ideal.
At least, that's what we've seen