So I'm on the hunt for machines which can print onto tab sheets in between runs of documents and as many of you here have noted, the delay in switching media types can be a real killer for printing speed.
I saw this youtube video for the new Xerox Primelink which seems to have very minimal delay switching between plain paper and tabs. from what i've seen it switches faster than a KM 3070 or Ricoh C5200s, which I would have considered to be higher-end machines.
Curious if it maintains that performance when printing the plain pages in duplex.
I'm not sure if it's enough machine for our needs (perhaps two might do it), but thought i'd share the video anyway. Can any users confirm if the Versant 180 has similar mixed media performance?
I saw this youtube video for the new Xerox Primelink which seems to have very minimal delay switching between plain paper and tabs. from what i've seen it switches faster than a KM 3070 or Ricoh C5200s, which I would have considered to be higher-end machines.
Curious if it maintains that performance when printing the plain pages in duplex.
I'm not sure if it's enough machine for our needs (perhaps two might do it), but thought i'd share the video anyway. Can any users confirm if the Versant 180 has similar mixed media performance?
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