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New Konica C8000 Install


Active member
Just thought I would let you guys know how much fun I have had with my purchase of the new C8000. We are located in Mississauga Canada, so your results may vary.

Here is the letter with issues I just sent my Konica Minolta Rep.

Well First off let me start this by saying its now been 21 days since we took delivery of the C8000.

Its still at this point completely unusable. Please note the following reasons that we would like our deposit back and the machine removed.

  • Wrong Power specs and no pre site survey that caused a delay with install
  • The Feeder arrived days after the machine
  • When techs did come to install we overheard them on several occasions saying they didn’t know how the machine went together this really instilled confidence
  • The techs made a complete mess of our shop they were given bins to put paper in and pails to put plastic in instead they just made piles everywhere, this was requested removed over 5 days ago its still here.
  • The Tech who came to install our RIP, didn’t see the box for it so he told us we weren’t getting one??? Don’t you guys have work orders?
  • As we got near the end the machine sat several days as techs called us to say they would be in and didn’t show up
  • Then your techs showed up for the software part, said it was done and left, when the trainer came in he noticed we didn’t have a Fiery license to print, and that several components werent installed, he blamed the RIP tech, when the RIP tech came back he blamed the Trainer....
  • As for the Trainer he just showed up early Monday, never called for an appointment, spent the day trying to get it running and then was disappointed that my staff couldn’t stay late to do the training. He said he would be back today... Havent heard from him yet.
  • I asked Troy days ago to have Toner shipped to us so that we could get started, I saw the order placed on the 13th, it is now the 18th and nothing has arrived

After we were asked to sign off on the machine we found boxes with the heater/humidifier, that was never opened or installed

So our C8000 isn’t finished yet, we have no supplies for it even if it was and to top it off it can’t do the work we bought the machine for in the first place!!! That’s right we run mainly 300+ gsm stock and our only output device the Stacker doesn’t support it it can only handle 240 gsm. So in the end the machine is useless to us as we run 20 to 30 thousand postcards at time, we would have to have a full time employee just taking the stock off the machine

Please let us know how soon we can expect our deposit back and what day the machine will be removed by.
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Wow and i thought our Konica install was problematic.
Our "trainers" knew less than we did about the equipment and software.
Not Good

Not Good


To be "up front" I currently work for a competitor of KM (starts with X). I work in the GTA and am disturbed by your post, I know we can be a little more costly, however, your issues would not
have happened with us.

We do a thorough pre-sales study including covering off your expectations and understanding your work and work flow. (300gsm paper would be addressed) We ensure all components and supplies are delivered on time and have staff available to install, test, and train from day one. Every effort is made to have a customers extremely happy with their new purchase. Our follow up, service and sales support is second to none. ( I have worked for other capital equipment organizations)

I'm sorry for your frustrations and sincerely hope KM can make it right, it bodes well for all of us in this space to be successful.


To be "up front" I currently work for a competitor of KM (starts with X). I work in the GTA and am disturbed by your post, I know we can be a little more costly, however, your issues would not
have happened with us.

We do a thorough pre-sales study including covering off your expectations and understanding your work and work flow. (300gsm paper would be addressed) We ensure all components and supplies are delivered on time and have staff available to install, test, and train from day one. Every effort is made to have a customers extremely happy with their new purchase. Our follow up, service and sales support is second to none. ( I have worked for other capital equipment organizations)

I'm sorry for your frustrations and sincerely hope KM can make it right, it bodes well for all of us in this space to be successful.


Please shut up.

If you'd like to read how well your installs go see this link:


...and you're right, that probably cost a lot more.
No Need to get Nasty...

No Need to get Nasty...

It is unfortunate that customer had problems, you will note we were on site and working very hard to satisfy them. If you continue to read the follow up posts you'll notice we seem to have resolved the issues. All of my CP800/1000 installs are running like champs. (FFPS and Fiery)
KM8000 install

KM8000 install

Yookaroo....did you have a dealer do the install or KM direct?
We have a KM8000 now for 18 days and we were able to run the day it went in...started install around 8am and were running production around 3pm.
We have found the paper settings to be very sensitive....matching gsm on paper to the machine (did not have to do this so precisely with our earlier machine).
We do not have a stacker so cannot comment directly to that but we are running 327 gsm as well as 14mil plastic.

Good luck!!
It is unfortunate that customer had problems, you will note we were on site and working very hard to satisfy them. If you continue to read the follow up posts you'll notice we seem to have resolved the issues. All of my CP800/1000 installs are running like champs. (FFPS and Fiery)

Err no. They had the machine removed.

Edit: Unless that counts as resolving the issues?
Slinging Match

Slinging Match

Hi, I work for Xerox in Australia and I can say that both Xerox and KM are good machines. In fact, I would say they are probably on par for their individual specs. In my experience, as a tech and now in sales, that it comes down to who is installing/servicing the equipment as to how they perform. I am sure everyone can have an experience to share that 'proves' the opposition is crap but why don't we use this forum to help less experienced people to resolve their issues rather than using it as a slinging match. I am only new to this site but to date I have read more slander than help. As we say in Australia, 'Fair Dinkum guys' lol
Please shut up.

If you'd like to read how well your installs go see this link:


...and you're right, that probably cost a lot more.

No you should shut-up!

What the Xerox guy said is absolutely right and I speak from experience. My installation with Xerox went like a dream and the technician was a master at his job. I was up and running in 2 days. Moreso your link shows problems that are mainly a result of software issues and not grossly incompetent techs.

So there!
Xerox no better...

Xerox no better...

It baffles me that Xerox can actually stay in business. They dropped the ball big time on 4 separate occasions with us. It seems they just don't care. KM is after our business and now I don't know if dealing with them will be any better. I KNOW OF OTHER XEROX" INSTALLS" WHERE THE MACHINES DIDN'T WORK AND XEROX JUST ABANDONED THEM. (THE MACHINES AND THE CUSTOMERS!) The day will come when a better mousetrap will happen and the company will actually be run by businesspeople. Then Xerox will finally disappear after a slow, agonizing death. Karma, payback and all that stuff...
No you should shut-up!

What the Xerox guy said is absolutely right and I speak from experience. My installation with Xerox went like a dream and the technician was a master at his job. I was up and running in 2 days. Moreso your link shows problems that are mainly a result of software issues and not grossly incompetent techs.

So there!

You speak from experience of installing both xerox and konica machines? of course you do.

...my point is that there are installations that go well and ones that don't go well. The first xerox guy was trying to make it seem like problems don't happen on xerox installs. When they do.

The link I posted is by no means the only one about dodgy xerox installs... try doing a search for the 7/8002.

...there are also threads about konica installs or issues.

To put you in the picture, I'm a xerox customer and my installs (from memory) have all gone fine. I just don't like the biased crap posted by manufacture reps.
In that case I do see your point. It just seemed to me then that you were bashing the Xerox guy when my experience with them has been such a positive one. I have only used Xerox and frankly KM has been going to extra lengths to get my business, focusing on the price angle but I am so scared of getting anything less that Xeroxs' excellent service and quality.
And of course a manufacturere's rep will always be biased.

And I withdraw the "shut up" with immediate effect
Heres the update, The machine now has all parts installed and is up and working.
The stacker issue I have been insured is an easy fix with a patch to the fiery.

I was in error about the toner supplies it appears they arrived on time but where hidden under the garbage from the install, that and the failure of a staff member to bring me the packing slips.

I have been insured by many suit wearing people that my machine will be fixed and the garbage removed within 24 hours, that should mean I will be running before 2pm tomorrow and I will update again then.
I wanted to comment on the Xerox installs, we have had our fair share of Xerox problems as well but in the end we are 110% happy with them, as with many things the reps you get really set the tone.

We now have 3 Xerox 700's that we pump at least 100K a week of full variable card stock and (knock on wood) in 3 months we havent had a single need for service, the ability to self service these with extra fusers, drums etc really is a life saver as we often work through the night.

We also have a 4127 for black and white work and I am hoping the C8000's ability to duplex the card stock, will really make life great when it comes to printing alll the variable we do.
I have to disagree with your statement that this site has more slander than help. It has helped me and I know many others will agree with me. It has some very good information about digital printing and issues and solutions.
Please shut up.

If you'd like to read how well your installs go see this link:


...and you're right, that probably cost a lot more.

Hello All, I read your horror story about 1000 install. I had mine installed a few weeks ago with Freeflow and its running very good. I printed linen paper and didn't get any problems as it was mentioned by someone else on this website. You are correct, 1000's counter doesn't work but Freeflow does count how many clicks are produced. So it doesn't really matter where is counter is located. Anyway, I'm very happy with my purchase.
I have just over 100,000 clicks on my C-8000, it was a bit of a rough start, but that's the way any install goes. But then again...I also have a dumpster and I don't mind picking up trash :rolleyes:. Not picking on you, but you'll only get out of it what you put into it, there are plenty of resources and info out there if you look. I had a lot of problems with KM over the years, and this machine was a leap of faith for me, but so far so good. Go after them and get what you want, keep making phone calls and don't take no for an answer.

Overall, I'm happy with it, I just ran 10,000 duplex sheets of 300gsm 13x19 over the weekend. It looked just as good on the last sheet as it did on the first, and it didn't jam once. And no...I don't work for KM...

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