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PDF Imposing software

Avoid Quite

Avoid Quite

I would avoid Quite Imposing. I have worked with 2 programs at my location. We used to work with Quite and ran into all sorts of problems. It doesn't allow you to preview what you are doing so if you miss something and impose it, it is wrong and then you have to go back and if you didn't save your settings (and sometimes if you did) you can't check what you did to see what to fix. The program we now use is called Imposal. It is pretty new, but we tested the software before its release so I have been working with it for a long time now. It has a preview screen so you can see exactly what you are doing. When you make booklets it will adjust for creep. When you N-up you can set it for duplex and it will figure out where to place fronts and backs, etc. It is awesome! I would recommend it to anyone. You can purchase it at www.presschecksoftware.com
Has anyone tried FusionPro from Printable?

Has anyone tried FusionPro from Printable?

For N-up I have been using FusionPro. It seems to do great and I read an article about it in PIA's monthly that claims it is becoming a top seller. Also reasonably priced and the support I recieved for set up and training was awsome.

Just a humble opinion from this shlub second string printer.:eek:

Windows only for the imposition program? I see system requirements list a Mac version of Speedflow Edit 5.5 (Macintosh OSX) but Speedflow Impose 4.0 seems to be windows only? A tip for ONEVISION as well as other software companies, the trial software shouldn't require giving company information out just to try it. I'm seeing that more and more often and, as as a software buyer, it really turns me off. Also listing the prices with the application wouldn't kill ya's.

With you on that, alma. Also, seems it's raining imposition programs here. Surely there needs to be a distinction made between simple (relatively), booklet make-up, and more sophisticated apps such as PREPS and Dynastrip, which can do saddle, perfect, and any other number of heavy-duty imposition duties. These are in a different ballpark, admittedly, and are used by large commercial printers. But the distinction needs to be made.
Seems also that with the rise in short-run digital, there are quite a few jumping on the bandwagon. Fair enough, but we're talking mainly booklet work that is shifting from commercial printers to the "shop front" area.

Also, while I've got time on a quiet Saturday morning DownUnder here; Dynagram have been mentioned by a luminary here as being behind the ball on Acrobat "compliance"; so I guess I'm allowed to say that. I use both PREPS and Dynastrip. I like features of both of them, (they're quite different), but have had some issues with PDF printing because of this. OK, am on 4.6.2, and prolly need to upgrade, but may not, as the APPE tiger is on my tail, so to speak. But that's another story...

Just my 2c worth...in this case $2.
I've used Quite, Preps and others softwares for imposition. I must agree with TRANTOR. SignaStation is made by experts for experts.

Price, not only feature overkill...

Price, not only feature overkill...

If someone looks to do N-up, saddle, step-and-repeat, etc., and nothing to learn, they will certainly *not* look at anything above 1000$ (or even 5000$ in some cases) like Preps, Dyna, Impostrip or Heidelberg's.

Also, a "do-it-all" solution like callas is not recommended because imposition is *not* their specialty.

For all PDF imposition needs, use a MAC or PC Acrobat plug-in such as Absolutely Imposing.
For 595$ you get all your imposition needs covered, ++ you do not need any training to use it.
Try a free demo at Absolutely Imposing

Ray Duval
Ultimate Technographics
Free PDF Imposition

Free PDF Imposition

I just wanted to pass on some information about a special promotion that we have going on right now that relates to this topic. Sorry... I'm really trying not to make it a commercial.

To keep it short, Dynagram is offering a free inpO2 Wizard product to owners of any other imposition package. All you have to do is go to the Dynagram home page and click on the promotions link. This offer is good until August 31st.

So you know, the inpO2 Wizard can do all the standard layouts for saddle stitch, perfect bound, step and repeat, N-Up, and cut and stack layout. There is no limit on number of pages, page size, sheet size, or colors. The inpO2 Wizard is the first module in the inpO2 imposition product family for Adobe Acrobat. If you want to know more about other modules including modules for hot folder automation, or gang work optimization, just visit the web site and review some of movies, or join in on the weekly webinars.

I hope this is useful to some of the members.

Michael Reiher
I just wanted to pass on some information about a special promotion that we have going on right now that relates to this topic. Sorry... I'm really trying not to make it a commercial.

Thanks Michael, your post is timely and very much appreciated. As you are giving away commercial software for free in order to gain customers of the other modules, it seems a fair deal.

To keep it short, Dynagram is offering a free inpO2 Wizard product to owners of any other imposition package. All you have to do is go to the Dynagram home page and click on the promotions link. This offer is good until August 31st.

Done, installed and activated! The activation code was sent back really fast! I will get back to the forum with test results tomorrow.


Stephen Marsh
Thanks Michael, your post is timely and very much appreciated. As you are giving away commercial software for free in order to gain customers of the other modules, it seems a fair deal.

Done, installed and activated! The activation code was sent back really fast! I will get back to the forum with test results tomorrow.

Stephen Marsh

Stephen... Great deal! I'm glad you took us up on the offer!

Also, be sure to watch the Wizard video on the web site, it will take you through a quick workflow and if you want to see what else inpO2 can do, I would suggest signing up for the Thursday Webinar. We take you through the Wizard, the layout editor, the Assembly Manager, Planning Manager, Optimization and Automation. This way you can see most of the key functions. As well, we answer any questions on functionality for our new users to make sure you know what the software can do. It's all an effort to deliver value and make you a happy imposing camper. :)

I look forward to your evaluation and comments on this post.
What is the true meaning of free?

What is the true meaning of free?

Editorial comment by Ray Duval of Ultimate Technographics, makers of the popular Impostrip
As sound advice, I recommend you ask yourself the question: why is this free?... before jumping into anyones' free offer.

As a leading imposition software developper for over 20 years, we strive to always have the best automated solutions on the market. We surely do not offer anything for free, because we want to keep developing features needed by our printing customers.

Would you as a printer give your hard work for free, with no strings attached? Surely not!

What's the REAL COST of something free? How much do you have to pay to "really" be able to use what is suppose to be free?

Create and edit layouts ? 800$ MORE?
Add automation with simple hot folders? 1400$ MORE?
Etc. etc. etc.

We have chosen to offer automated solutions at very affordable prices.
Our solutions start at only 595$
COMPLETE automated solutions with dynamic templates and advanced hot folders start at 1395$

We offer 1 free thing: 5 days complete versions for total trials and evaluation.
Judge for yourself by visiting us, our name says it all: Loading...

Ray Duval
Ultimate Technographics Inc.
Editorial comment by Ray Duval of Ultimate Technographics.
Ray Duval
Ultimate Technographics Inc.

I really don't want to turn this into a vendor smack-down. This is NOT what this forum is all about. It's about sharing useful information. Not pit fighting between vendors. I won't stoop to blasting other vendor posts. That's just not cool.

Dynagram stands firm behind it's products and we made the decision to make this offer so that we could introduce customers to our inpO2 product line. That simple. Anyone who tries it sees very quickly that the product is very useful and productive. They have nothing to loose to find out.

BTW... your pricing quotes on our products are wrong.

Michael Reiher
Director of Sales and Marketing
Preps 6

Preps 6

I'd highly recommend you contact Kodak and request a demonstration of Preps 6. It isn't out yet, but is a complete re-write–extremely cool stuff. It looks nothing like the same clunky Preps interface we've been using for years.
Stephen... Great deal! I'm glad you took us up on the offer!

Also, be sure to watch the Wizard video on the web site, it will take you through a quick workflow and if you want to see what else inpO2 can do, I would suggest signing up for the Thursday Webinar. We take you through the Wizard, the layout editor, the Assembly Manager, Planning Manager, Optimization and Automation. This way you can see most of the key functions. As well, we answer any questions on functionality for our new users to make sure you know what the software can do. It's all an effort to deliver value and make you a happy imposing camper. :)

I look forward to your evaluation and comments on this post.

Thanks Michael, from my experience with other assistant based imposing software, InpO2 Wizard is easy to get up and running with. I used it on three digital colour print jobs today, two simple step and repeats and a multiple page n-up. Also tested it with another simple step and repeat, this time a CTP press job. I am happy so far, I knew before downloading that this module was not a full imposition solution, so my expectations were not set too high.


Stephen Marsh
Thanks Michael, from my experience with other assistant based imposing software, InpO2 Wizard is easy to get up and running with. I used it on three digital colour print jobs today, two simple step and repeats and a multiple page n-up. Also tested it with another simple step and repeat, this time a CTP press job. I am happy so far, I knew before downloading that this module was not a full imposition solution, so my expectations were not set too high.
Stephen Marsh

That's great to hear! The Wizard is designed to be very easy and straight forward, but yet powerful enough to handle most standard layouts for sheetfed and digital printing or any size. Obviously, for more complex needs this is why we also offer other modules that build on top of the Wizard. You never have to start over or loose what you have you just build if you need it. But it's all about flexibility and choice for the end-user. Not everyone has the same needs.

Obviously, let me know if you need anything, we're always here to help!

Michael Reiher
Director of Sales and Marketing
Has anyone ever used ImposeOnline?
Impose Online - Free Online Imposition Software

It's currently a free service. Not sure how powerful it is. I just registered - currently waiting for my confirmation email. So I have not actually used it yet.

In my role (book publisher) I do not need to impose files, yet at least, but I am looking to become more familiar with imposition software. Which is why I have been seeking out free, or trial versions.

By the way, what does N-up refer to?

Has anyone ever used ImposeOnline?
Impose Online - Free Online Imposition Software

It's currently a free service. Not sure how powerful it is. I just registered - currently waiting for my confirmation email. So I have not actually used it yet.

In my role (book publisher) I do not need to impose files, yet at least, but I am looking to become more familiar with imposition software. Which is why I have been seeking out free, or trial versions.

By the way, what does N-up refer to?


N-up places pages in in sequence on a sheet. Example: 1 2 3 4. Typically as many as will fit.

As for the on-line service, I looked at it, but never used it. If you're looking for good demo software to try, I hope you've checked out ours at Dynagram.com. Make sure you check out our promotions page too. :)

Michael Reiher
Director of Sales and Marketing
We use PDF Snake -
- PDF Snake : The Complete Imposing Solution
- PDF Store - PDF Snake - Imposes (n-up), stamps watermarks, makes booklets, splits pages, and adds bates numbers. 30-day,

Pretty inexpensive (340.00) and it can be set up as a workstaion or a hot folder process - easy to use.

Quite is very popular and easy to use too - you may find more people that could help you.

If you need very sophisticated nesting (where you are running several different sized jobs on the same form) be sure to look at Metrix

LithoTechnics - Metrix, the automatic layout calculator for commercial and gang run printing

hope this helps and good luck with your search !

Michael Jahn
Jahn & Associates
PDF Color Conversion Specialist
1824 North Garvin Avenue
Simi Valley
California 93065
Office: (805) 527 8130
Cell: (805) 217 6741
Email: [email protected]
Skype: michaelejahn
Twitter: Twitter / michaelejahn

thanks for the information...
whether there is the other version?


InSoft Automation

InSoft Automation Unveils Imp Version 14

Revolutionizing Layout Planning and Automation

InSoft Automation announces the launch of Imp Version 14, the latest iteration of its industry-leading cost-based layout planning software. Packed with cutting-edge features, this release redefines efficiency, automation, and workflow optimization for printing and finishing processes.

Learn more…….
