New member
Hi there everyone, I am still very new to this forum and hope I can explain my problem correctly without being tooo long-winded. I was referred here by a local print press in Cape Town, and that I would get the right kind of help here rather than in one of my retouching forums 
I upgraded my operating system to Mavericks and I had the screen calibrated by a professional with a quato calibrator shortly after. But now I am having banding issues with images and hoping someone can help me understand what is causing it?
I work with an iMac and in Photoshop CS6.
The specs of my machine
Processor: 3,1GHz Intel core i5
Memory: 16GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB
Software Mavericks
243,67GB free of 1TB of hard disk space
I regularly move files off my computer after I have completed a particular job and don't keep them on my machine for long to preserve all the memory available I need to run CS and be able to work efficiently onmy images. I was working on Lion OSX before and did not have these issues banding? ...
I process images in 16bit and then convert to 8bit, as the files are smaller and more manageable.
The banding seems worse in 16bit, but is still visible in 8bit - pls see the examples I have provided.
I have tried different colour profiles(the generic i Mac setting and the newly calibrated quaoto setting), but the same happens and there is no change.
It is especially bad when I use the brush or clone stamp tools in Photoshop.
I work on a 100% opacity and between 7-30% flow depending on the tool used and the end result I require.
You can see clearly in the attached examples, that those edges are not graduated as they are supposed to react.. it must be a soft graduation from center to the edge with no hard lines or 'banding' as harshly as shown.
When the gentleman from digital distributors helped me calibrate my screen, he was struggling to set the gamut(?) on my screen and it would not set at 2 or even 2.2. My my shadows/blacks also seem slightly milkier than before. is this a calibration issue or an issue with Mavericks?
It makes my workflow very difficult and I cannot determine whether the banding is from my colour grades, or from the machine settings...does anyone have any idea how I can solve this issue without having to downgrade back to Lion, or is this my only option?
There are some screen grabs of what I see on my screen (but if i did not manage to attach them to this post, you can go to this dropbox lik https://www.dropbox.com/sh/081c3fygrv1kg6c/39e3rr8v1y )
I'd really appreciate someone help with this. Thanks so much
I upgraded my operating system to Mavericks and I had the screen calibrated by a professional with a quato calibrator shortly after. But now I am having banding issues with images and hoping someone can help me understand what is causing it?
I work with an iMac and in Photoshop CS6.
The specs of my machine
Processor: 3,1GHz Intel core i5
Memory: 16GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB
Software Mavericks
243,67GB free of 1TB of hard disk space
I regularly move files off my computer after I have completed a particular job and don't keep them on my machine for long to preserve all the memory available I need to run CS and be able to work efficiently onmy images. I was working on Lion OSX before and did not have these issues banding? ...
I process images in 16bit and then convert to 8bit, as the files are smaller and more manageable.
The banding seems worse in 16bit, but is still visible in 8bit - pls see the examples I have provided.
I have tried different colour profiles(the generic i Mac setting and the newly calibrated quaoto setting), but the same happens and there is no change.
It is especially bad when I use the brush or clone stamp tools in Photoshop.
I work on a 100% opacity and between 7-30% flow depending on the tool used and the end result I require.
You can see clearly in the attached examples, that those edges are not graduated as they are supposed to react.. it must be a soft graduation from center to the edge with no hard lines or 'banding' as harshly as shown.
When the gentleman from digital distributors helped me calibrate my screen, he was struggling to set the gamut(?) on my screen and it would not set at 2 or even 2.2. My my shadows/blacks also seem slightly milkier than before. is this a calibration issue or an issue with Mavericks?
It makes my workflow very difficult and I cannot determine whether the banding is from my colour grades, or from the machine settings...does anyone have any idea how I can solve this issue without having to downgrade back to Lion, or is this my only option?
There are some screen grabs of what I see on my screen (but if i did not manage to attach them to this post, you can go to this dropbox lik https://www.dropbox.com/sh/081c3fygrv1kg6c/39e3rr8v1y )
I'd really appreciate someone help with this. Thanks so much