Prinance Currency


Well-known member
We have prinect prinance at our shop and i need to set it up to use metric measurements and US dollar currency. When I setup prinance for a US locale the measurements are inches and the currency is in US dolllars. When I setup prinance for a UK locale the measurements are in metric and the currency is in UK pounds.

P.S.: we have version 4.56
You can change the currency for new customers in PrinanceADMIN under address-administration / currency. I don't know the exact menu items as I only have the german version.
i am aware that i can change the currency per customer.... but what about stock prices.... i want everything to show in US dollars....
i am aware that i can change the currency per customer.... but what about stock prices.... i want everything to show in US dollars....

I am sorry, but I cannot help you with that problem. You should ask your local Heidelberg support staff about that. The german version is quite different regarding these settings.


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