I printed the samples on ricoh 7200. On coated paper it was ok, but on uncoated the print seemed glossy and not very high quality.Čo by si chcel vedieť? Poslal som sem vlákno porovnávajúce rozdiely. Z V2100 sme prešli na pár Ricohov.
We have a V80 and recently was considering similar upgrade between Xerox and Ricoh. One thing I saw which could be a big issue for us was the Ricohs seem to suffer badly from switching paper sizes. i.e. if you're running A4 and decide to switch to SRA3 it'll leave lines where the edge of the A4 sheets were on SRA3 image. We switch sizes all the time so might be an issue.
Maybe others who have made Xerox to Ricoh switch can confirm how it effected them.
I am looking to upgrade my Versat 180 and the Versat 4100 is in the running. How is yours running now? Does the 4100 take the same image drums as the 180?So in the end I decided to stay with xerox. I have the installation scheduled for the end of August. Then I write if 4100 is better than 180.
Wonder if the decision to stay with Xerox came back to bite you with the toner/parts shortage?So in the end I decided to stay with xerox. I have the installation scheduled for the end of August. Then I write if 4100 is better than 180.
Ahoj, naša 4100 je ťažný kôň, mám tiež dni, keď zožerie paletu papiera. Som rád, že som zostal pri Xeroxe. Kvalita je úžasná, lepšia ako 180. A čo sa farieb týka, 4100 je oveľa presnejšia ako konkurencia.Chcem upgradovať svoj Versat 180 a Versat 4100 je v prevádzke. Ako teraz beží ten váš? Má 4100 rovnaké obrazové bubny ako 180?
U nás na Slovensku som nepocítil nedostatok tonera a ani dielov. Dokonca tohto roku zmizli problémy s bodkami.Zaujíma vás, či sa rozhodnutie zostať u Xeroxu vrátilo a uhryzlo vás nedostatok tonera/dielov?
No s papierom je to horšie na niektoré papiere sa čaká aj dva mesiace.Zaujímavé, že Slovensko nemalo problémy so zásobovaním, kým všetci ostatní mali. Máte nedostatok papiera na vašej strane rybníka?
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