Screen Grab using Mac keyboard on a PC
Screen Grab using Mac keyboard on a PC
I think a few people missed a point.
Someone was asking how to take screen shots using a
MAC keyboard not a PC one. (No problem, not reading and assumptions are a 21st Century pandemic
I noted about 6 threads with people saying 'press the prt scrn button. No comment.
Since this is one of the top ranking forums for this question I decided to jump on and help people:-
will screen grab the whole picture.
If using photoshop you must create a new page first (Ctrl+N) and then paste it and drop the layer (Ctrl+E) and you will then be able to save it as you wish, crop etc.
Why use a Mac Keyboard on a PC?
I could say jet age solution for steam driven hardware. Moved over to Mac 10 years ago and never looked back. So why a Mac keyboard? The main advantages of a Mac Keyboard are:
Metal. So difficult to break (try dropping them 100 times - no problems; unlike Dell or more expensive plastic types that fail).
Waterproof. Washes out when coffee spills on it and hang it up to dry.
Ingenius technology and amazing key return response.
Why not use a Mac Keyboard? If technology comes up with genius then grab it and enjoy it and the long life it gives you (and save money and contribute to the planet by recycling that metal when its outlived you).
Don't use a program to grab screens unless you have to take one after the other and need it; most programs take up valuable APP estate on a PC as it is and there are far too many things running in Windows already. Apple use much less estate here than a PC does and are much better at just about everything (except gaming. Why? Think about it). W7 uses multiple layers and runs loads of exes all the time which complicates things and pressing your processor harder is not a good thing. It also costs the planet and costs you in increased power use.
Some programs are, well, a little undesirable on the security front, shall we say (nothing is free - somebody always pays).
So Mac Keyboards on a PC? Great Idea. Scrn Grab away!!!
Go well.