With process color, there are 4 colors of ink used in varied proportions to produce almost any color. Yellow, magenta, cyan and black are the colors. Red is made with yellow and magenta. Green is cyan and yellow. If there are variations in ink on the press, colors shift. With spot color, one ink is used that is the desired color. Press shifts will make it lighter or darker a little, but the color will be the same hue. But you can't have too many spot colors. Presses only have so many sections, usually 4 to 8. Some colors can't be made with process, like "reflex blue". (The ink colors are not perfect.) To see how this is done in the real world, open boxes and look at the ink patches there. You can see the inks used. Pantone is a company that makes color standards and inks. A designer can specify a Pantone number, chosen from a Pantone book, and that is the color the press will print, using a certified Pantone ink.