Takeoff bars in Apogee/Preps


New member
Looking for answer on how people out there are adding takeoff bars???
We use Preps templates and bring into Apogee. Is there a way to add takeoff bars in Apogee or Preps template so that spot colors can be re-mapped? (Right now we are adding individually to jobs with custom Preps template) Please advise.
Hi Prepress101,

We use take off bars all the time in our Preps templates. We just add a rectangle mark to the template and then define which color it is supposed to be. If it is supposed to be a spot color, I think we define the color/name of the rectangle as "SSICustomColor1", "SSICustomColor2" etc. and map them to the spot colors in the color list in Apogee.

Does this help?

Jon Morgan
Hopkins Printing


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