The drum percentage is not really a good way of measuring drum health, so I was told by our tech. Have had drums need replacing way they were at 50%, not that often of course, but I was told it is not very accurate and really you need to look at your prints.
- I would first try swapping out the drums and see if there is any improvement, you can always put it back and wrap the other one up again for when you do need it.
- Do you have another fuser? That would be the first thing I would be checking. I kept a fuser for 11x17 and a fuser for 12x18. Those lines remind me of fuser issues, though it has been a few years since having a machine with that type of fuser.
If your machine has SIQA I would recommend calibrating with that for alignment. On our old J75 it worked wonders... when SIQA worked (first 3 or 4 months and then would never read again).