A question about Pitstop 10



We are planning to upgrade our Pitstop 8 to the newest version, so I have downloaded the demo to try it out.

The trimbox settings are really confusing in Pitstop 10, currently,(in Pitstop 8 ) we can set the trimbox easily in global change, either by entering the sizes, or by manually grabbing the boxes, or if it is a die cut , just set the boxes to the cutting lines.

But in Pitstop 10, there are no more options anymore to set the trimbox like that, as I see it, You have to create Design Layouts, then import them into a global change, or an action list...

Setting up design layouts would be a big problem for us, becouse we recive hundreds of pdf-s all with different media sizes, so literally we would have to create a different design layout for each job.
The "set trimbox to cutmarks" option looks good, but the problem with that, are the files, where the whole artwork and marks are just one big image, and sadly not every file has the same cutmark color and line weight.
If I try to grab the trimbox manually, It automaticly selects a box (like the media box) and changes it right away, without the ability to configure if I want to change it on each page, or just one page.

We need to have full control over trimboxes, because, we are using SignaStation for impositioning.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to use Pitstop 10 efficiently, for quickly setting trimboxes, on various media sizes?
As I don't have Pitstop 10 (yet), I can't answer your question specifically.

However, do you by chance use Agfa's Apogee workflow? If so, they give you an Acrobat plugin called Docubox Manager that easily allows you to change page box specs.
You can set them here as well as the Design Layout Panel.


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We have Prinect workflow.

Thanks Joe, thats exactly what we need! I never would have thought they moved the trimbox settings to the Position menu of the Inspector... Guess I wasnt looking hard enough.
Is there a way to apply the trimbox to just even or odd pages, like in Pitstop 8?
Unfortunately I don't think so. You can either do it on the current page or on all pages as shown in the attached image using Inspector.

You could possibly do it by creating an action list for the odds and another for the evens and then apply the actions to the odds and then the evens as shown in the 2nd attachment.


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  • pitstopactiontrims.jpg
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Once again thank You for the help Joe!
I thought Pitstop 10 won't be any good for us, but I guess we could get used to the new things
You are welcome. It does take some getting used to the new interface but I'm finding it as useful as ever. Even more so actually.


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