I believe we might of had that problem very early on, but I vaguely remember my techs speaking with techs in New York and they had already solved the problem - it hasn’t come up again, and we are just shy of 1 mil impressions (mixed sizing)
I don’t have any experience with the spot colour problem, as we tend to leave that alone. The colours with the Prisma Controller have been bang on. We do a colour cal/shading cal before all large jobs (nice that it’s automatic) or leave on the auto cal as the job is running.
We did have problems with incorrectly set up media - that gave us some streaking. Also when running small media (8.5x11) with text weights we had increasing the cleaning interval. We do plenty of office docs, with folded sheets within, then job to a run of 12x18 120# cover stock. It’s in these transitions that the increased cleaning interval was implemented. Made a huge difference.
With 13x19, Canon only guarantees images within the 12.5x18.5 realm - that was a little upsetting as we liked to nest full-bleed 4x6 cards on a sheet.. but we just upped our trimming game.
Unfortunately, we can’t relate to the envelope problems, or the backside printing issue - that is odd.
As for your speed slowdown of 12x18 stock, I really haven’t noticed or had it brought to my attention. I did notice that happening with heavy stock, light stock, tabbbed jobs. Just made a setting where all stocks are close in weights, and BAM! We had a similar issue with the KM’s, and it was a painful process to watch and wait for even if the weights were adjusted. These books now rip out ridiculously quick, with no degradation of quality.
I took the plunge, and purchased the PrismaPrepare software suite. It’s powerful and not cheap. Works with all of our Canon large and small format (which surprised Canon!) maybe that should be another thread.
As I’m writing this, a staff member mentioned that for one particular customer who is over the top with greyscale prints, we have to auto cal colours before every job. Without the auto cal functionality, I’d be yanking out the remaining hair on my head
We are trying to see if setting up his media to a G7 standard helps… but we all have one of these customers..
The one thing that gets me is the waste toner collectors - I can’t empty them myself. My techs have to do that. Seems a little silly.
I don’t have any experience with the spot colour problem, as we tend to leave that alone. The colours with the Prisma Controller have been bang on. We do a colour cal/shading cal before all large jobs (nice that it’s automatic) or leave on the auto cal as the job is running.
We did have problems with incorrectly set up media - that gave us some streaking. Also when running small media (8.5x11) with text weights we had increasing the cleaning interval. We do plenty of office docs, with folded sheets within, then job to a run of 12x18 120# cover stock. It’s in these transitions that the increased cleaning interval was implemented. Made a huge difference.
With 13x19, Canon only guarantees images within the 12.5x18.5 realm - that was a little upsetting as we liked to nest full-bleed 4x6 cards on a sheet.. but we just upped our trimming game.
Unfortunately, we can’t relate to the envelope problems, or the backside printing issue - that is odd.
As for your speed slowdown of 12x18 stock, I really haven’t noticed or had it brought to my attention. I did notice that happening with heavy stock, light stock, tabbbed jobs. Just made a setting where all stocks are close in weights, and BAM! We had a similar issue with the KM’s, and it was a painful process to watch and wait for even if the weights were adjusted. These books now rip out ridiculously quick, with no degradation of quality.
I took the plunge, and purchased the PrismaPrepare software suite. It’s powerful and not cheap. Works with all of our Canon large and small format (which surprised Canon!) maybe that should be another thread.
As I’m writing this, a staff member mentioned that for one particular customer who is over the top with greyscale prints, we have to auto cal colours before every job. Without the auto cal functionality, I’d be yanking out the remaining hair on my head
The one thing that gets me is the waste toner collectors - I can’t empty them myself. My techs have to do that. Seems a little silly.