Digital Envelope Presses



Okay guys,
Most of the ones that I am looking at all seem to be the same. The Xante, the Secap, Oki and PSI all seem to be about the same.
Does anyone out there really know what the differences are?
Aren't they all pretty much based on the same units and system?
From my understanding (I have a Xante btw), the only real difference is going to be in the top vs bottom feed and that Xante has proprietary chips in their supplies. So with some of the units you can buy Okidata toner and put it into your envelope printer, Xante makes you buy their branded toner at a premium.
I also forgot to add in the Intec series of envelope printers.
Xante does have a new line of these printers that they claim prints 26+pts. I have a PSI and believe it would be hard get 18pts through it. I never run that extended an image across the machine and since they are all the same basic OKI machine I just dont see how youd get good consistent 13" wide artwork. To me it all comes down to service, you need it when you need it. I had to find my own service tech. the first time I needed help. AND I HAVE A SERVICE CONTRACT! doesnt say much for PSI or Ricoh( sold me the machine). Anyway you cut it though these machines are money makers.


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