still narrowing down our choices:
Konica 6501-advantage-fast service time, larger more powerful but more complicated creo print server to run it, can do our perfect bound catalogs (full bleed or with tabs) limited to 200 sheets, right angle folded app sheets, external cutter, fully capable proposal with paper supply included in lease for under $4K month.
Canon 6000-Fast service time, no creo or fiery to power the digital printer, in-line 3 edge trimmer allows for easier and less personal involvement in producing a fully automated catalog, has external right angle folder and inline folder, can’t do postcards, business cards, inserts, ect. as it doesn’t come with an external cutter. Canon quality. Largest footprint. paper included in service for under $4K month.
Xerox 700-slower service time-4 hours versus the above 2 have 2 hours, xerox quality and reputation, new machine just out to market, no inline perfect binder, but external binder is faster and has trimmer cutter built into it, so can do our perfect bound catalogs (full bleed or with tabs) with over 200 sheets, external right angle folder and inline folder, external cutter, comes with fiery-easier than creo, maybe less capable as far as VPD goes. Lower cost per print fee. paper included in service for under $4K month.
as we are more low volume right now, the konica is looking to be the best bet for the options we need.