Now, granted, I've only been running it for about a week, but I've noticed three things that jump out at me:
- Many more Acrobat crashes, apparently primarily after invoking Pitstop. Of course, I upgraded to Acrobat Cloud (or XI or whatever) and Pitstop 12 at about the same time. Not a fresh install of either. Still...
- Greatly increased image-tweaking capabilities, although this is mitigated somewhat if you have Photoshop installed
So, bittersweet so far. Spot colors (as far as creation/assignment) are still wonky.
(Also, can anybody else shift-click (reliably) to select multiple items with the Pitstop purple arrow selector? More often than not, all the sudden, shift-click creates a sticky note, rather than select an additional object. Infuriating. It doesn't happen from launch, but once it happens, you gotta quit Acrobat and relaunch to make it stop. Temporarily.)
Anyway... I'll reserve judgement until a patch or two down the road.
Good luck.