• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

Introduce yourself!

Re: Introduce yourself!

My name is Chris and I'm from a little town called "None of You Damn Business".

I've been in the prepress biz since 1998. Started out working at Kinko's while going to school for design. Then after graduation I worked at a small mom and pop printshop. I was there for about 8 years, got bored fixing Publisher and Pagemaker files from feebs. Quit that place and freelanced for awhile. After a while I got a gig at a larger commercial print shop. Work is easy, people are cool and there is always fresh coffee.

I also teach graphic design/new media at a couple local colleges part time. I enjoy teaching. I've been doing that for 6 years. I've also dabbled with writing. I used to do product reviews for a Mac magazine, was a technical editor for a book on Adobe AfterEffects, and posted articles on various design websites.

Been married to a wonderful woman for almost 10 years. 2 dogs, 2 horses, 2 chickens, 1 cat, 30 goldfish...NO KIDS!!!
Re: Introduce yourself!

Great site Laurens-
naturally I went straight away to the fun section! :)
Re: Introduce yourself!

So I guess it's my turn now. Hi, I'm Stephane Cyr (NOT Stephanie, Stephane translates to Stephen) and as you may have guessed, I'm not really colorblind. Started in this trade 14 years ago working for a prepress shop as a scannerman, then started to put my hands on Photoshop, film output, color management and in the last few years, discovered the sweet flavor of PDF. Prepress shops days being numbered, I was lucky enough to be offered to start a brand new prepress department at a major ad agency here in Montreal, Canada. So I'm the guy who turns fancy designs (I know one thing or two about transparency) into actually printable high resolution PDFs. I can also supply "real world" color proofs to the designers. I'm still at the bottom of the food chain in my environment but when I call at a publication that screwed-up my PDF, I'm the customer. When asking the good questions, it's always funny to feel the shock of someone who thought was talking to a clueless agency guy. Well, I'm still clueless in a way cause I learn everyday.
Anyways, I was addicted to PPF and I'm sure the same thing will happen with PP.
Mac Pro, Dual-Core Intel Xeon, Mac OS 10.4.10
Agfa ApogeeX 3.5 Create
Epson 9800, Latran Prediction 2230

Edited by: Colorblind on Sep 6, 2007 2:40 PM
Re: Introduce yourself!

Hi there.. I´m the real n00b around here, it seems. started in the biz just a few years ago, running two Docutech B&W printers in the print department of a big Commerce School in my city. quit that (i don´t mind carrying paper, but well, you know how it is...to be seated is a good thing once in a while) for a pre-press job in the Carvajal group (Cargraphics was the actual company), working both film and CTP (actually i started there during the CTP implementation, and got a fancy for starting things from nowhere, as you will notice in a while). done that for 8 months, and them a few years freelancing as a not-so-good designer. then i got a chance, 5 months ago, at another school to set up a digital printing room inside an otherwise all off-set 2color printshop. spent 3 months doing that (and it´s running smooth, AFAIK). after it was working properly the school decided not to renew my contract as an intern, and so i had to find some other place to start putting things into it. Right now, that´s what i´m doing. Working again with educational material, setting up a digital print room to deal with supplemental demand of books, textbooks and booklets. I´ll be running 2 xerox digital presses, a Docutech 6117 and a DC5000. hope it turns out okay (still two weeks until i´m actually into them, since the room is still under construction).

outside the toner-snorting (just kidding...did that once and spent a whole week feeling bad), i spend most of my time online - talking to my girlfriend who now lives in portugal (any print shops needing a hand with digital print out there?? i´m all up to go to either Lisbon or Porto!!), studying a LOT, since i plan on graduating in my college next year (finishing a technology major-like course in Graphical Arts), but i´m also very much in love with photography. as a hobby, i may say i´m a RPG/CCG gamer (though it´s been a while since i last played for real). oh, and i´m 26....

Re: Introduce yourself!

Hi this is isiink. I am an ink tech working in an inplant at a major printing company in the Mid-west. I have been in the business for 4 years. We service 11 printing presses. 2 conventional sheetfed. 3 non-heat presses. 2 uv web presses, and 4 heat set web presses.
Looking to learn a few things on this website and also help others with ink questions the best of my knowledge.
That about sums up isiink.
Re: Introduce yourself!

Hello, I am Pete. I am currently the Prepress Manager for a medium size catalog printer. I've been working prepress since I got in the business in 1993. I've done all the conventional stripping and platemaking stuff and got pretty good with a Carlson Sharp shooter. I started to get good with computers then started taking classes with QuarkXpress, Illustrator and Photoshop. Little did I know that the best kind of learning I would ever get was "On The Job." I must have made thousands of mistakes as I started working digital prepress, but every one of them taught me a new lesson or at least showed me some things I should never do again. I enjoy learning and I love to teach others about what I know. I have worked with PDF since I started doing digital prepress and have gotten very intimate with Enfocus Pitstop (My best Friend). Been working with AGFA's Apogee Series 1-3 and am currently upgrading to ApogeeX 4.0. I'm very good with Preps and have built hundreds of templates.

I am married with 2 daughters so I spend most of my time away from the job swimming in the "Estragon Ocean." I enjoy down-hill skiing, biking, playing drums and spending time with my family. I will miss PPF but have enjoyed seeing that a lot of you have migrated this way, cool. B-)
I look forward to being part of the prepress discussions and all other topics.


Pete Shovels <PETER-S>
Re: Introduce yourself!


My name is Zoran Jovanovic.
I've been long time member on both PPF and Printplanet.
Last 10 years I am in commercial printing on a prepress side, before that I was "stupid designer" :)
I live and work in Ottawa, Canada as a Prepress Team Leader in commercial printing company.
Happy to be here and contribute as much as I can.
Re: Introduce yourself!


I'm pmkprog (Pete).

I have enjoyed the info on PPF for some time now.
I'm about to switch companies to a place closer to home.

I started right out of high school in 1989 and was placed on a light table as a stripper for a prepress company. About 94-95 I started on Macs processing images for the company I was working with. In 97 they closed the shop I was at. At that time I was running a small Mac network with a Agfa Selectset 7000. I moved to a different prepress company with a Scitex workflow where they were using Assemblers and PS2s when I started. They were using Brisque when I left in 04. I'm just now leaving a printer where I'm in the prepress department. They have a Brisque workflow. Where I'm moving to has Trueflow. I'm not sure how that's going to go, but I'm sure as I need to learn things I'll be posting a lot as I did on PPF. This is a great community and resource we have.

I have a small Mac network at home made from a lot of free items that I have compiled over the years. I have a wife(who doesn't understand any of this stuff), two daughters, a large dog and now 10 outside cats(wife and I are both alllergic). We live in the country. Hopefully this change in jobs will allow me more time to fish. I'm also work part time for a large format printer and do some designing on the side.

I only need about five hours of sleep a night...
Re: Introduce yourself!

good morning. my name is chris, and i am a prepress specialist from Dixon, IL. i started in printing in 1988, as a jogger at the end of a 6-unit harris web press. i eventually became a rolltender, and actually had started setting color on press when the call came to make a move to prepress. once in prepress, i started in proofing, making dylux books and color keys, as well as cromalins and matchprints. after doing that for a year, i moved into film stripping. my time stripping film was absolutely where i learned the most about printing, and i loved doing it. i did this for a couple years, and around '93 or so my company at the time went digital, and was looking for volunteers, so i took a stab at it. we had little more than a couple old quadras (which were rolls royces at the time) and an agfa selectset 7000 for film. needless to say, electronic prepress took off, and i have been working at it and learning ever since. i have been at my current company for not quite a year, but we have implemented a new Prinergy prepress workflow, and that has been very exciting to be a part of.

i was a member of PPF since 2005, and benefitted greatly from the knowledge being thrown around there. i confess i probably pulled more from PPF than i gave back, but i like to think i helped a few people. i hope that i can bring something to the table here, and help out.

i live in Dixon with my wife and 2 kids. when i am not working i can be found on the couch with a beer in my hand. for exercise i get up from the couch and walk to the refrigerator for another, then walk back. sometimes, if my energy level allows for it, i may do this several times. if i had a hard day from work and i am tired, i ask one of my kids to do it for me. i LOVE having kids.

look forward to meeting you all.

Re: Introduce yourself!

Hi, I'm Don Isbell.

I enjoy watching movies and relaxing on weekends (read: lazy when not working).

I've been a member of PrintPlanet for many years now, and loved the personal interaction and immediate responses and the knowledge found on PrintPlanet. I also like to share my experiences and learn from others, which all helps. If I ever get on your nerves, I aplogize now. I do have pretty strong views because I've worked in prepress since 1995 and have witnessed more than I'd like to recount, but am glad that things have gotten easier over the years.

Re: Introduce yourself!

Hi I'm Richard,

been hanging around print since 1971 on a 5 year apprenticeship at RB Macmillan Derby UK.

After being a No2 for three years I got my chance on a Nebiolo Invicta 44 with bronzing attachment (vile stuff gets everywhere - must be banned by now surely!), 'Progressed' to a new 4 col Crabtree Vickers Kestral 100 (it was 002 so still a prototype), stayed for 3 years and then went to run Roland 800's in Hoogerheide Holland, a bit shortlived that one (2 weeks!).

Joined Heanor Gate Press after a spell as shift overseer at John Hampden Press (R.I.P. 2006) where I ran Komori 40" Lithrones 4 & 5 col with coater. Left in 1988 to Join FT Neufville Barcelona as head of Komori Sales. I had two years of that and came back to the UK to start my own business.

We (my wife and I) started off with an Apple LCa Spanish version of Pagemaker, an Adast Dominant 2 col and zero clientbase! After a few years hard work we bought a Adast 4 col and started to employ people (worst mistake ever but hey ho - that's progress).

We now run a Komori 6 col with perfecting and automation - phew! Still love Macs and Komoris.

For r&r I take a couple of hours to myself on Sunday mornings to go into the nearby Derbyshire countryside with my Yamaha YZF-R1. My wife and I get to go to Spain every 4-6 weeks for a few days - to recharge batteries and begin the battle all over again at work.

Foodwise: chicken tikka madras and the odd kebab, barbecued chicken and argentinian steaks with 'chimi-churri' sauce all hit the spot.

Alcohol: yep, addicted like the rest of you, gimme Carling Extra Cold, cold oakey Chardonnay and Bollinger (non-vintage will suffice!) YAHOO!

Evening entertainment: 3rd Rock From the Sun always makes us laugh.

Hope this gives you guys an insight...
Re: Introduce yourself!

Hello guys - my name is Hlynur and I´m based in Iceland (yeah faaaar up north in Europe).

I run a medium size printshop with 6 employes.

Preepress: (new) Heidelberg Suprasetter 74 with Signa and Meta rip. Using Fuji Pro T proccesless plates.

Printing machines: Heidelberg DI/Qm Pro / Roland 100-4 / Xeikon 500D / Xerox DC250

Post press: Polar 74 / UFO folding machine / Foliant lamination

Off the clock I play soccer and lift weight´s.
Re: Introduce yourself!

Hello , how are u. I am Edward from Shanghai, China. Start working in the prepress industry from 1993. Now doing software development specialized to variable data printing. Digital printing is growing very fast in China. The newest machine has installations here. If u want to get more knowledge of China market, feel free to contact me. I also hope to find business partner here.
Re: Introduce yourself!

Hi there,

I finally registered on this new forum. I was a member of PPF and luckily I'm still able to use my original handle.

I've been in prepress for about 10 years with the odd design job when I have the luxury of time. I hope to learn a lot here.


Re: Introduce yourself!

I was born in Quito, Ecuador SA. My parents came to California in 1965 with three children, myself being he oldest.

Until recently I was the prepress department and defacto computer guy which includes estimating printing using PrintSmith and maintaining our website. I am also one of the main customer contacts and sales rep--in a small shop one wears a lot of hats. I have sixteen years of prepress experience cutting my teeth with a Lasermaster 1000., Windows 3 and PageMaker 4.0--the hard way to start a prepress career. Our prepress includes an ECRM imagestter running a Harlequin Rip. We recently installed a Xante Platemaker 5 and an Ilumina color printer. My favorite program is InDesign and we support most major programs on Mac and Win. We hope to purchase a metal CTP device some time next year. Our press room has one five color Heidelberg GTO, a Ryobi 3302 and two AB Dick 8820/360 presses. Small press up to 14x20 sheet size. We have a Heidelberg 10x15 Windmill platen letterpress--what a sweet machine it is!-- and have the standard bindery equipment including a Polar76 cutter.

Siegrid, my wife and I have been married for twenty-one years and we have three children, Heather, Mathew and Natalie. I am born again Christian accepting Christ Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior which has led me to serve Him at my local church in Burbank California in the AWANA program (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed) from 2 Timothy 2:15 which is a Children's ministry to help them memorize Bible verses, play fun thrilling games and teach them about God, Jesus and their Word, the Bible.

Jaime Z.
John 3:16, Deuteronomy 6:5

Edited by: Jaime Zuniga on Oct 20, 2007 3:29 PM
Re: Introduce yourself!

Nice to "meet" you Jaime.

I too thank God for His goodness and mercy in saving a sinner like me, through the blood sacrifice of Jesus, His Son, who died in my place, so that I don't have to pay for my sins myself, which I couldn't do anyway other than dying and being eternal separated from God. Now, because of His gift, I can live with Him forever. Such a loving God.

Re: Introduce yourself!


Couldn't of said "The Good News" of Christ's work on the cross better myself.

All are welcome to ask Don or myself of Christ's work in our lives.


?Philippians 2:5-8 (NASB95)
+5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. 8 Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.+

Edited by: Jaime Zuniga on Oct 22, 2007 10:09 AM
Re: Introduce yourself!

Sorry you feel that way G_Town. I can't separate my faith from everything else. It's an integral part of my being. It affects everything I do, and why I personally choose to help others (why I'm on this forum in the first place).

I'm not talking about a religion. I'm talking about a relationship with the lover of my soul. The God who made me and has done everything He can to show me He loves me. I hope it doesn't offend just to say that my God is good and to tell why I believe so. I honestly know that many people don't truly know what Christians believe. It's not by my goodness that I'm saved - it's the exact opposite. I'm not perfect and never will attain perfection in my lifetime. It's my failings why I need the Savior Jesus - Perfect God in human flesh who did what I cannot do and offers salvation as a free gift. If I was perfect and didn't have the failings (sin), then I wouldn't need Him. But I do, and am glad He has shown me how much He wants me to be with Him forever.

Analogy: 1:
I can give a gift for Christmas to someone I love. I can have it wrapped with their name on the present. The person may know the gift is intended for him or he may not. But if he doesn't open the gift, it's really never his. Only when he opens the gift, is it truly his.

Analogy 2:
A man who commits a crime he is justly accused of is found guilty and goes to court for sentencing. The judge tells him the punishment - a fine in the amount the man cannot pay. Then the judge comes down from the bench, takes off his robe, and stands where the guilty man was standing - in his place in fact. The judge pays the price because he can pay it, and because he has mercy on the guilty man. The judge then goes back to the bench, puts on his robe, and tells the man his punishment has been paid in full. The judge tells the man he is free to go because the price has been paid. Who paid the price? The judge. Was the man not guilty? Yes the man was already found guilty. Did the man deserve the punishment, and deserve to have to pay it? Yes. But did the debt get paid? Yes. And that's what the law is satisfied with - that the debt was paid. This is an analogy of how God tells man he's guilty, how God took on Himself the punishment, and tells the guilty sinner the debt has been paid, and that he is free. This is the good news. The good news is not about "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps" or "doing good" or "being better". It's about accepting what God has done for us. And that, my friend, makes all the difference. In fact, that is what makes us love Him back - because he first loved us and showed it.

"John 3:17 (New King James Version)

17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."

I'm not beating anyone over the head for not believing. It's a personal choice. God gives us that choice and won't make anyone believe in Him. It's your right, just like everyone else's - to deny/reject or admit/believe/accept Him and His love and His sacrifice. He'll still love you though. But it does you no good personally unless you know Him.

Not wanting any problems on the forum by any means. But to say I'm not allowed to have an opinion or a belief that I can expressly share, just because I happen to be in printing? Well, that's against the first amendment to the Constitution. We all have the right to free speech and the free exercise of religion.

"Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Do you think the Founding Fathers of America didn't believe in God? What do we see in the Declaration of Independence?
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"


It's sad when our basic rights are being stripped away because of how men have tried to tell us that these truths we see in our founding documents as a country weren't really meant that way. The same truths that were "self-evident" before our "enlightened" generation came along.

Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.


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