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Looking for info on CS5 issues


Well-known member
We received our first CS5 file this week and they are now talking about upgrading and asked me to read up on it etc.

Has anyone had any prepress/pdf/rip issues with CS5, major or minor? I saw a few issues addressed here and there but I need more info.

I think it's awesome that I'm working somewhere that doesn't put off upgrading to newer versions of programs until they can't function without doing so, however, my major concern is that my computer IS the prepress/graphic design department and the only one with these programs installed on it (very small shop). I don't want to get upgraded and then find problems that we can't recover from or get around.

And here's a kind of dumb basic question but.... We still need to be able to use CS4 will an upgrade disable it? I have previously worked in places where they had a specific IT type person take care of doing all the upgrades and installations of software. I now find myself in the position of having to take care of this. Read this as "pretty much clueless" in what's involved.

Thanks in advance for any advice or help! I have learned much from the threads here.



Don't forget the CS5 requires Intel based Macs to run it.

Only the new ones will do.
I have not seen issues, but really what rip do you use? A PDF print engine 2.0?
What PDF standard do you use? I would recommend PDFx4 if your rip supports it.
You do not need to un-install any previous version of Indesign.
I have on my Intel Mac, the CS2, CS3, CS4 and CS5 suites (running OS 10.6.3 as of now).

And, we don't have any issues with CS5, it's all works nicely together.
So we are in the same boat. We will be installing CS5, however i have identified the following in order to make this work:

1. Need new Intel Power Mac (not getting imac, want to use our nice apple monitors)
2. Verified a slim chance of problems with Nexus
3. Need newer version of Pitstop
4. Upgrade our font management program, Fusion2 not compatible with Intel Mac (not verified)
5. Possible driver issues with Epson 10600 and Xante printers
6. Possible issues with Freehand going to Snow Leopard

So our plan is to put the new computer into very light production, Load CS3 onto it as that is what we are running now as well as have the current computer setup running along side it, this should aleviate any problems and reduce any possible down time.

If im missing anything let me know please.
[/QUOTE]3. Need newer version of Pitstop.[/QUOTE]

What version of Pitstop are you on? We have Version 8 update 5. Right now we seem to be Ok running it in Acrobat 9.

Not totally sure about updating to CS5 unless one of our client demands it.


P.S. my quote function doesn't seem to work well, don't know if that is an issue with Firefox or what . . .



I have looked at CS5 and will be upgrading to it as soon as I can get the boss to honour his promises... Looking at your list I have the following comments.

1) Yes you need an Intel Mac - if you have nice Apple displays already then Mac Pro is definitely the way to go. (Added bonus with an Intel Mac - you can run Oracle VirtualBox, which is free, and put a Windows VM on the Mac - good if you have to make PDFs from the horrid Publisher or, or not quite so horrid, PagePlus)

2) Can't comment on this

3) What version of Pitstop are you using? CS5 doesn't have a new version of Acrobat, so as long as you are on Acrobat 9 - if you have Pitstop that works with that you are fine

4) Font Management - as far as I am aware no font management software is currently CS5 aware - Suitcase Fusion 2 is the only one I know that has announced CS5 compatability "in the near future" - probably in the form of new plugins which will probably be free to registered users... However CS5 now has its own Bridge based "never be without a font" thing (hey it isn't Suitcase or whatever - but can at least ease the niggles somewhat)

5) Can't comment on this one

6) Not sure about this... but as far as I know as long as you have the last version of Freehand (the X native one) it should still be ok on SL - don't quote me on that...

Hope some of that is some help

txcynna - you can have any and all versions of CS that will work on your Mac installed if you want... (it might not be 100% kosher on the EULA - if you really worry about that) but they won't actually interfere with each other. May or may not be the same on Windows...
P.S. my quote function doesn't seem to work well, don't know if that is an issue with Firefox or what . . .

Not a Firefox issue, it is an error with your quote tags, they start and end with a "close tag" - rather than starting with an "open tag" and ending with an "close tag". The / should only be in the end/close tag.

Stephen Marsh
I'd say the same issues as CS3 and CS 4 had. You can't place a PDF made in CS3 or CS4 and now I'd guess CS5 into a CS2 file and then export it to PDF. If you do, colors can drop and strange trapping issues can occur. Just had this happen with a CS4 PDF I needed to place in a previously printed CS2 file to update a page. I had to open the CS2 file in CS4 and export it from there to make the job work. Thanks Adobe for adding another step to my workflow...


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