Sorry about that - I wasn't thinkingUnfortunately, that URL requires membership and an account to view the contents. Can you please give us the gist of what Kodak is warning about? Thanks!
- Dov
PDF with Roboto or DelphianATT font causes refine to crash with ACCESS_VIOLATION error
The most common refine processing symptoms are: the Trapper crashes and the file fails to refine, or ColorMatcher crashes and ColorConvert processing fails intermittently. Publishing or creating vector PDF with font outlining (convert text to paths) also crashes the respective JTPs.
The Roboto and DelphianATT fonts are only licensed for Print and View. When Trapper is run (that is, when trying to create traps on the font), an access violation is encountered.
Pitstop warning
This screenshot shows the warning from Pitstop when you try to convert the Roboto font to outlines (likely our code is tripping on this limitation when Trapper is run).
The problem is in the Bitstream Library, which is code shared by several of the Refine JTPs. For example, the same access violation can happen in Preflight (with certain font settings ON).
Outline the font in Pitstop. Note that Pitstop will display the license warning, but when you choose Yes, the font does, indeed, outline.
Have the original creator of the PDF document supply you the exact Roboto or DelphianATT font they used to create the PDF, and set up a font search path in your Prinergy job (you may have to restart the trapper JTP), pointing to the supplied Roboto or DelphianATT font.
Note: Simply downloading the font and pointing to it may not work. It seems the exact font used to create it must be used in the font search path. Be careful when using fonts that are not the exact font embedded as reflow and other problems can occur.
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