trapX plugin for Odystar 4


New member
Hi - we have just started evaluating the trapX route with Odystar and although the supplied (slim) documentation appears to describe a very simple procedure - the reality is proving otherwise.

Three main problems occur - the very poor detail in the error messages when the plug crashes that really tell you nothing but I am assuming its some server load issue as this normally happens on larger files even though they are really not that big...

After a crash - the original AI file nearly always get corrupted even though I had understood that the plugin works on a temporary work file during the process.....

If you do actually manage to get the file trapped, the display of the trap edges is always incorrect - often highlighting them off of the art board.

Is anyone else experiencing these kinds of issues?
Phil, I downloaded the example canvas from for the trap x plug in and it worked fine for me. Im using Illustrator CS2 on my mac and Odystar 4.0.1. If you need this workflow I can get it to you to test with.


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