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what is the best workflow solution?

florin f


I have some customers running one or two CTP's, imagesetters at once.
They would like to get a simple and reliable workflow solution (preflight, imposition, trapping, ripping, ticket, etc) that can help them run both machines in the same way.\What is the best workflow solution independent, able to send files to a 1 bit tiff queu?

You could do it with Lucid Dream iTrap and other products. Basically have one RIP act as a master for the others. I have a customer doing this right now with two Harlequin RIP's. One does poly plate (Mitsubishi DPX) and the other is film. When they go CTP they'll get another HQ RIP and add the new one to the mix as a second slave machine.
Thanks Mattbeals. I looked on their page and seems that they indeed have a product called TASK FORCE that it is a true workflow. Thanks a lot. IN the case you describe it looks like you have 3 RIPs not one while here the customer require one RIp to manage all.

Yes, it's three RIPs that they would have. But only one does any of the work. The other two "satellites" catch the page buffers from the master RIP and simply expose them.

It is possible to have one RIP drive many devices via the plug-ins available for Harlequin RIP. The trick is to find the plug-ins that would work in one RIP to control all three.

We probably could still do it with Lucid Dream. Otherwise you may need to look towards Xitron. Even then you may have satellite boxes with "shooters"/TIFF catchers.
Please don't missunderstand my questioning the workflow, but would you want identical tifs to 3 output devices? You may need different calibration/ TVI curves for the different devices. What I imagine you want is a consistent output, which isn't necessarily a consistent (between devices) input.
Was that question to me?

You can have different page setups for different devices. The one RIP processes all the jobs based on what queue or hot folder they are submitted to no different than if you submitted each job to each RIP individually. The one master RIP has all the various page setups. The other RIPs simply pass along the TIFF's that they are supposed to.
If you are driving that many devices and want trapping with all the options, you should look at Xitron's Xenith Workflow. You do need a TIFF catcher for each output device, but the Workflow is centrally controlled. The Xenith can also run 2 RIP's if necessary for throughput, a master and a slave all working under the same Workflow.

Hi guys,

MAttbeals is right: with the rigth settings you can have different hotfolred , each one addressing a specific Imaging unit ( so computed callibration curves, ICC, etc) so that we can have a consistent output. SO thanks Lukas you are right we dont loose the focus on this. It is interesting what I learned now to have two RIPS working for the same job ( one as a master and the other as a slave).

The whole idea is : as Heidelberg guys set up teh systems (bought at a 2 YEars difference) the results are pretty different. The worst we just discovered was connected to the GCR setting on RIP ( one one RIp the black curve was above all other color curves) and the management decided they need one master workflow to control everything right even if the output is on two different CTPs. These Heidelberg CTps are driven by a sort of RIP + separate COmmander. THe COmmander is a Tiff catcher I am looking forward to use in the new workflow. I assumed the new workflow will rpelace the old RIPS but here I learn it would be advisable to make them work for the RIP master. Xitron is based on HArlequin RIP which I know pretty well while the Heidelberg RIPs are very strange to me.
The CTPs are 8 up and the exposure speed is some 16 + 12 plates an hour. I guess the newest RIP engine could process 28-30 plates an hour, 8up, right? Of course on a quad processor RIp engine whit plenty of RAM.

Xitron has both Harlequin and Adobe solutions. The Xenith and Sierra is the Adobe solution and the GPS is the Harlequin. For the equipment you have stated, you should look into the Xenith or Sierra. They are more robust and have the Slave RIP option I spoke of. With the slave option you can designate which RIP is going to do what task. And if you already have a 1 BIT Tiff catcher for the CTP, you should be able to continue using them. I wouldn't be surprised if it is a Raster Blaster from Xitron anyway. It is very popular with OEM's who may just put their name on it.
What is the best workflow solution?

What is the best workflow solution?

The answer is quite simple, whatever is best for your needs, with the performance and price point of your budget. Obviously it needs to perform all the necessary functions that defines a workflow.

WorkMates is capable of multiple Hot Folder's for automatic tasks and imposition, or you can have a manual workflow with the flexibility of using Page Setups within the Harlequin Rip to point to different output devices, (yes, each with different parameter sets, calibration, trapping or no-trapping..)

For more information and to inquire about a webinar, contact me off-line or visit our web site.

Thanks for listening!

Mike Mierjeski
Software Business Manager
ECRM Imaging Systems


Have you looked at Odystar from EskoArtwork? Automation is great, all the tools are there for what you are doing, and their support is awesome.

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