cold paper


Active member
We are having alot of trouble printing on cold stock. piling on the edges of the image. i feel pretty sure that it is a direct result of trying to print on stock that is too cold. Like most places we are basically ordering most of our paper as needed and we don't keep alot on hand thus resulting on pretty much trying to print the day it arrives in house. Anyone know what the suggested temp. range should be for printing offset? 4color process on a CD-74. :confused:
Ideally, the same temperature as the pressroom. paper must be given time to acclimate to the temp and humidity of the pressroom. Here is a link to a chart form conditioning time for paper based on the difference in temperature between transit and pressroom against the volume of paper,


Cold Paper to Hot Paper !!!

Cold Paper to Hot Paper !!!

Hello fellow Lithographers,

PDFs on Paper Conditioning for the Pressroom

"From knowledge to competence is a great step --- from ignorance to competence an even greater one"

Regards, Alois


  • temp con # 1227.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 176
  • temp con # 2228.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 207
  • Paper Con # 2230.pdf
    511.4 KB · Views: 189
  • Paper Con # 1229.pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 200
Another thought

Another thought

Hi Snydawg,

Although all of the above suggestions are true for the proper acclimation of paper in the pressroom it might not be the problem. I just ran a job the other day that I thought I was going to get frost bite on my hands loading it in the press and it ran fine.

Most likely the problem is the air is too dry in the pressroom. We just installed a Humidifier last week. Before that I had the same problems as you're having with everything I ran and since it's been installed we've had no problems.

If you have any control over the humidity in the pressroom you might want to try running it a little higher. I've got ours at around 40% 24/7.

Sounds like you may have hit the nail on the head, We have NO humidity control in our pressroom and I know that is important. We are in the carolinas and usually don't get the frigid weather that we are experiencing this year. It is very cold and dry for this area.
I will make the suggestion at our next meeting about getting some type of humidity control installed.
Thanks to everyone for their responses.


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