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Morgana Aerocut X Pro


New member
We have a Morgana Aerocut X Pro cutter/creaser machine which uses templates which we currently use on Fiery Impose-Compose. Is there any way we can use these templates directly on digital store front when we use the step and repeat option when creating a product?
Yes, I used to sell production gear for KM and watched the DSF demo's show this feature to customers several times. You have to create a 'workflow' in CWS using the impose template you setup for the AeroCut, then link to that in DSF as a 'virtual printer'. Then you can submit the file that was generated by your DSF template through the virtual printer and it shows up in CWS. This video demo made by EFI shows it in action going from DSF to PrintSmith to CWS (around the 8min mark). I've seen another demo where you can make it go straight from DSF to CWS. Reach out to your DSF or Fiery specialist for help setting it up, or search on the EFI forums.

A quick alternative in the meantime: since we have a different manufacturer for our online store front, we just download the 1up PDF's into a hot folder. The hot folder applies the impose template that matches my AeroCut, and it even selects the paper in the printer, and outputs one sample sheet for us to check before printing all of the copies. That's all very quick, free, and easy to setup with the HotFolder application that installed with your CWS. I have one hot folder for 1-sided bus cards, and another for 2-sided bus cards.
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