• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

Search results

  1. Magnus

    Are you using a PDF/X-4 RGB workflow?

    Hi! I'm curious about how you folks handle PDFs these days, so I put together this quick poll:
  2. Magnus

    Why Mac?

    Hi, I've been working with Prepress for the last 20 years and since I started we've always been using Mac's at the Prepress departments. But in the last year I have a growing feeling that it might be better if we transitioned to Windows (11). I can't think of any software that we use that is...
  3. Magnus

    Verifying full gamut RGB prints

    I recently made some full gamut profiles for fine art printing on our Epson SC-P9500. I was using i1 Profiler to export an RGB target and measured the target with an Xrite i1Pro 2. I then exported the measurements as CGATS and generated the profiles in MYIROTools (I prefer the gamut mapping in...
  4. Magnus

    X-Rite i1Profiler - Black generation (GCR) problem

    Hi, I'm making a CMYK icc-profile for our HP Indigo Press with X-rite i1Profiler (v 3.3.0) and i1Pro2 (IO-table). For production reasons (metamerism etc) I would like maximum GCR and black start at 0. But although I put all sliders to the max the final ICC-profile generates a lot of CMY in near...
  5. Magnus

    The best 'do-it-all' imposing software for Switch?

    Hi, we are a mid-size printer that are looking for a new imposing software to use with Enfocus Switch. We do sheet-fed digital printing (SRA3), web-fed digital printing, sheet-fed offset and large format printing. Today we use different imposing software for the different output's, but we are...
  6. Magnus

    One CMYK-profile to rule them all?

    This might not be interesting for people in the US but... ...a few weeks ago ECI (European Color Inititive) together with Fogra and GMG released a new icc-profile based on Fogra 53 - the eciCMYK.icc. http://www.eci.org/en/colourstandards/workingcolorspaces...
  7. Magnus

    How do I explain to a client that a CMYK value is not an actual color?

    We do a lot of print work for clients like ad agencys and design agencys. We are printing and proofing accordingly to Fogra51 and Fogra52 (sheetfed offset and digital printing F51). We even run certification program which assure that we are printing according to ISO 12647-2:2013. Now and then...
  8. Magnus

    ∆E 2000 vs ∆E CIELAB 1976 (skin tones)

    Hi, for years we have been using ∆E CIELAB 1976 calculation when measure color deviation on print and proofs (and displays sometimes). A year ago I was on a seminar with a color specialist from GMG who talked about ∆E 2000 as a successor of the old 1976 formula. He said that one of the...
  9. Magnus

    Follow my Prepress-account on Instagram

    I hope this post wont be deleted.. I started a non profit Instagram account (prepress_geek) a while back were I post a lot of prepress related photos and issues. I refer to this forum now and then. Please check it out, and post a comment if you find it interesting! Anyway here it is Best...
  10. Magnus

    Who is responsible for moaré

    This is a topic that is seldom discussed. Consider the following scenario: • Printer gets a print job • Customers PDF-file is delivered according to specs. • The printer makes a hard proof or a web proof (screening is not simulated) • The client review and sign off the proof • The...
  11. Magnus

    Is your workflow PDF/X-4 compatible? (Ghent PDF Output Suite)

    Today I downloaded the free Ghent PDF Output Suite 4.0 and run it through our offset workflow. http://www.gwg.org/download/test-suites/ghent-output-suite/ I've tried this many times before (a few years back) and didn't get a perfect result. But today the test file was processed perfectly and...
  12. Magnus

    AGFA Apogee Prepress 8.5 - Normalizing PDF's from PDF/X-4 to PDF/X1a

    Any Apogee users here? We are using AGFA Apogee Prepress 9 and I have problem with flattening/normalizing PDF's. I've contacted AGFA but they doesn't seem to understand what I want to achieve. I want to set up a "simple" hot-ticket workflow that correctly converts different PDF's (Bad MS PDF's...
  13. Magnus

    Remove CMYK icc tags in a PDF

    I got Pitstop Pro 12 and I would like to create an Action List that removes all CMYK ICC tags on images and graphics in a PDF. I want to keep RGB tags. I've been trying to use 'Select by color space' but it doesn't work for all objects. Can someone please give me a hand? Here is my testfile...
  14. Magnus

    GMG ColorProof v 5.6 (Calibrating new media)

    I've been trying to add and calibrate a custom media for my Epson 4900 (With SpectroProofer) but I can't get my head around it! I've downloaded and read all GMG tutorials on the subject but still can't manage to do it. Is there any helpful soul out there who got a good wizard with all the...
  15. Magnus

    Can you export this file?

    Hi guys and girls, This is just an experiment to see how people handles Indesign-files and make PDF:s for print. If you got a spare minute, please download this test file and follow this instructions: 1. Make a print ready PDF-file (Fogra39 / ISOCoated_V2) 2. Post a link below or mail it to...
  16. Magnus

    Pantone+ 7433 Solid Coated (Adobe CC wrong Lab values?)

    Hi, Im often getting a request to convert Pantone-colors to RGB, Lab or CMYK. I usually do the following (In this case I want to convert Pantone+ 7433 Solid Coated to Adobe RGB): • New blank Lab document i Photoshop • Choose the right Pantone from the library • Fill the document with the...
  17. Magnus

    Apogee Prepress Proofing

    I've recently changed firm from a place were we used GMG ColorProof and EFI to make calibrated proofs on Epson-printers. Both GMG and EFI have an option to put "noise" in the print to simulate paper structure and screen of an offset print. This is a great feature espacially when you simulate...
  18. Magnus

    Best software for Eye One Pro 2?

    A few years back I used a software called "i1 Share" with my i1Pro. This was a great software for spot-measureing if you wanted a quick ∆E comparision or a value converted to a specific CMYK-profile. It seems like i1 Share isn't supported anymore and the latest version doesn't work on the new...
  19. Magnus

    Problem with verifying IDEAlliance Strip with Fogra39L (i1Profiler)

    Hi, we are using the IDEAlliance ISO 12647-7_Control Strip 2009 for proofing in our Agfa Apogee Prepress workflow. Our printers are calibrated to match Fogra39 and Fogra47. When verifying the control strip with our Epson inline Spectroproofer there's no problem at all. But when I try to verify...
  20. Magnus

    Acrobat XI (v 11.0.04) Major color issue

    Since after we updated our workstations to Mountain Lion and Adobe CC (Acrobat X and XI) we have had some really weird problems with the colors when viewing a PDF in Acrobat. Colors looks dull and desaturated (see attached screen shot). This is not a color settings or soft proof problem. I've...

InSoft Automation

InSoft Automation Unveils Imp Version 14

Revolutionizing Layout Planning and Automation

InSoft Automation announces the launch of Imp Version 14, the latest iteration of its industry-leading cost-based layout planning software. Packed with cutting-edge features, this release redefines efficiency, automation, and workflow optimization for printing and finishing processes.

Learn more…….
