• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

Introduce yourself!

Re: Introduce yourself!

Holy cow dude I was just kidding.

You can believe in the easter bunny for all I care.

A sense of humor is a good thing. Try it some time.
Re: Introduce yourself!


Just like Don, being a Christian is who I am. I give credit to God for all my knowledge in prepress.

Don like myself have seen Christians beat up in today's society as narrow minded often blind sheep following an antiquated religion. Well Don puts it really well: that it is not a religion but a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ and we have been given a manual in His Word, the Bible, to help us to live godly moral lives.

I understand that some of you may be offended. It is not Don's nor my intention to offend but rather to inform you of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We do not do it because we hate you and others, but rather because we're taught that God wants all to come to salvation and only through believers in Christ proclaiming Him will people have an opportunity accept Jesus--we do it out of love. Now, Don nor I will not force you to accept--it is your choice.

Don and I feel comfortable expressing our belief in the Lounge and perhaps a different thread should be started within the Lounge for further discussion on our faith. I guarantee, that outside of the occasional "thank God" comment within my posts that I will stick to the topic discussed in the appropriate sections, but in the Lounge we are within our right. Just like the post starts "Introduce yourself!" Don and I have introduced ourselves not only as prepress guys but more importantly as "Born Again" believers in Christ.
Re: Introduce yourself!

You know what?

I don't care, really. Your beliefs are your own. I made a joke plain and simple if that joke was misconstrued as some type of religious persecution I apologize.

I do believe the reply to my post was a little over the top, what ever happened to forgiveness?

Religion and Politics....I shoulda know better.
Re: Introduce yourself!

I have to agree. This is getting pretty heavy. I have my own personal beliefs, but a prepress/printing forum is not the place IMHO to go preaching to others. Perhaps it is time for one of the moderators to jump in and clarify the policy. Cory? Eric?
Re: Introduce yourself!

I agree that it is time to move on and get back on topic. There is no policy regarding the discussion of politics or religion but I do think personal emails might be better for that type of discussion.
Re: Introduce yourself!

"You know what?

I don't care, really. Your beliefs are your own. I made a joke plain and simple if that joke was misconstrued as some type of religious persecution I apologize."

I can tell you don't care. I thought perhaps someone here would. And I didn't see it as a joke. I saw it as a snide remark to quickly end the conversation, which it seems to have done.

Maybe if someone said you shouldn't mention your wife on this thread of "Introduce yourself" because "There's no marriage in printing", then maybe you could see where I'm coming from. Just like I'm sure your relationship with your wife means a great deal to you, my relationships mean a great deal to me, and I for one don't find my relationship with my wife something to be laughed at, nor my relationship with my God something to be laughed at or made jokes of. If you say "Get a sense of humor", I say "Some things just aren't funny".

"I do believe the reply to my post was a little over the top, what ever happened to forgiveness?"

A little over the top? Did you even read it, or did you just say "Holy Cow!" and not read it? What ever happened to forgiveness? What ever happened to "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"? Forgiveness is not just given. It must be asked for first. Believe it or not, some people get mad when you try to forgive them and they don't think they've done anything wrong. Forgiveness. It doesn't seem like you want it, so why should I give it? Tell me one thing in your "joke" that was funny (remember to put it in the context of something you care deeply about being made fun of, and then tell me if it sounds funny).

Re: Introduce yourself!

What makes you think I'm married or even heterosexual?

People whom I don't know or are not close to me have absolutely no effect on me what so ever.
You want to call my wife something nasty go right ahead I won't care in the least as you have no power over me nor should I you.

Ok the joke was from a "league of their own" remember with Tom Hanks when he tells the female ball player "theres no crying in baseball!"

Obviously I ain't that funneh.

I'm done this is getting silly.

Re: Introduce yourself!


Thanks for replying and elaborating. Sorry for mistaking your joke for something other than what it was.


Re: Introduce yourself!

Hi all,

I'm Suzanne, from EFI (Electronics for Imaging). I think the whole staff just received an invitation from randy at whattheythink.com to join printplanet, so there may be a few new faces appearing...

I work mostly with Udi Arieli and his team based in Chicago on the PrintFlow dynamic scheduling product. My work history includes writing for EFI, PrintCafe, & Programmed Solutions (first makers of what is now EFI PSI Print MIS). Before that: marketing communications, training, book production management, layout, and typesetting beginning at Southern New England Typographics 1977 and ending in some temp shop in Burlingame CA. At SNET, our dedicated Linotype computers were in two rows in the old print factory/warehouse, with the hot-type machines lined up against the walls, still warm... now, I don't think I even get any of my documents printed. It's online help, online PDFs, tooltips, PowerPoints, etc. (Burning question: Do any of you print the PDFs you receive with your software purchases and/or upgrades?) Times keep changing and we are never bored. Oh and I'm Buddhist :) and a dual citizen of Canada and the USA. I've been a remote worker for over ten years. Feel free to look me up on facebook, in the Halifax Nova Scotia network. Nice to find this online community. Cheers!
Re: Introduce yourself!


We have Print Smith and we did print an older manual's PDF (about 600 pages), but have not the latest one. And generally we do not print PDF manuals if there too long, we keep PDF manuals in the programs folders so they can be accessed quickly.

Re: Introduce yourself!

fwiw, i thought the thread "tell us about yourself" in a lounge area was fair game for someone including their religious beliefs - even after having some trouble with the founding fathers argument of don's. i agree with GTown on the religion and politics thing. i tend to avoid talking about either within work or professional situations. but take what this hippie buddhist says with a grain of salt. ;-)

PS - It'd be OK with me if G_Town were both married AND not heterosexual. Whoops. Was that politics?
Re: Introduce yourself!

Interesting... seems like this is the trend all right. How useful was the printed 600-pager? Not very, since you aren't doing it again? Would love to hear from more folks on this. Maybe I should start a separate thread on it...
Re: Introduce yourself!

Hmmmnnn... Jesus was a hippie, wasn't he? The original flower child. He studied in Tibet, too, or so they say... B-)
BTW I was always too uptight to be a hippie... so I became an editor instead LOL
Re: Introduce yourself!

G Day mates
I am Adriano. Born in Milan (Italy) and live and work in Perth, Western Australia!
Been working in pre-press since my move here from Italy in 1995
Typesetting for start and Brisque workflow after
Just got a new job in a bigger company that uses Prinergy!
This forum rocks
Re: Introduce yourself!

Hi All,

I am Ray Duval from Ultimate Technographics.
My responsabilities at Ultimate includes helping our extensive network of Impostrip dealers worldwide.

Based in beautiful Quebec City, Canada, I have a network of worlwide contacts so, I communicate with several people in several countries and continent throughout the day.

I am also the Forum Administrator of the Imposition Forum www.impositionforum.com.
You should come take a look.

See you soon
Ultimate Technographics
Re: Introduce yourself!


I am kabel working here in Orlando FL. I might be in the minority here as I am more of a Print Buyer (to use and old term) then one who works in a printing plant. I have a design background but am now more intriqued with the mechanics of the printing process and tend to geek out over new print related products (paper, inks, varnish and foil) and machines (10 color perfector = cool).

I found this the other day and nearly fell on the floor laughing as I can identify with nearly all the points on this list:

Where You Know You're a Print Buyer When: http://www.bostonprintbuyers.com/printtips/07-02-12.html

Edited by: kabel on Dec 17, 2007 8:52 AM
Re: Introduce yourself!

I started in the printing biz in '90 working as a proofer, pressman, stripper, Supervisor, & now Mac oprtr. for several different Co. though the years.
Was one of those every now and then posters in PPF and is nice to see some familiar name here.

I really love Beer, dogs, UK Basketball, tobacco, metal, UK Basketball, NFL, poker, tobacco, knives, my Lord and my Wife. (not in that order, kinda all tied for #1)

Currently working for a small sheetfed printer and for the first time -Happy.

See ya's
Re: Introduce yourself!

Hello fellow prepress gurus and newbies alike. I'm finally getting a bit of a reprieve from my heavy workload so now I'm itching to get back to the prepress forums and discussions. Congrats to Cory for helping to make this sounding board available to the likes of us.

My background in printing started even before I was born - my father was busy running a printing plant in Mexico when I came to be. More currently, back in the states, my parents have been running a "mom and pop" print shop - which they continue to coddle from their own home now. Having said that, I can honestly say that printing is in my blood.

In 1990 I graduated from the Art Institute of Dallas receiving an Associates Degree in Applied Arts in Visual Communications. From there I went on to become a designer and staff artist for the local Dallas newspaper, "The Dallas Times Herald" (R.I.P.). Then a few years later I came into the prepress world with my eyes wide open. I had a wonderful supervisor/trainer who amazed me with his vast knowledge in the field - Kenny Gallaher is a prepress demigod.

In the years that followed I received Rampage Rip System training from none other than the late guru, Keith Fengler, who helped to develop the Rampage Client and was one of the founders of Rampage, Inc.

I've been in prepress about 16 years now and I truly enjoy the process. Now if I could only find another prepress guru to share the workload I would be in a total state of nirvana.
Re: Introduce yourself!

Hello, my name is Lauren and I am a slave to the trade! I'm 43 and single.

I work for a large newspaper company in the Appalachian foothills southeast of Pittsburgh, in a sad little rustbelt/coal town in WV, where we print 3 newspapers a day plus in-house and commercial work. Thank God for Mountain Dew becasue it's something I can do with my eys closed, which is the way I get paid, too, I think.

I'm 100% self-taught on the job which is to say it's been like self-annialation at times!! I started in pre-press accidentally; I answered a newspaper ad in 1989 for a camera operator for a place called A*L Printing in Gloucester City, NJ because I thought it sounded merry and exciting. I was trained on a beat-up old Chemco marathon camera that dated from 1939 and was instantly hooked. From there I was put on a light table stripping. (Remember the good old days?) I left printing after about 10 years but returned to the field about 5 years ago when I moved to WV. Today I work as a digital platemaker for WV's largest newspaper group, and guess what, I'm enjoying the job again (though not the pay!). We use Prinergy Evo and Preps, Trendsetter image burner, Fuji plates, and a Gluntz and whatever plate scrubber.

I absolutely regret moving on from A*L Printing--you really can't know how good you have it until it's gone, al though at the time I guess you could say life left me with no choice.

My life's read like a book for the past 8 years, including abuse culminating in homelessness. I won't go into it, but suffice to say I'm glad I'm alive. I guess.

I really enjoy PP and have learned so much just from reading the boards. Some of you guys are just nuts! This place makes me smile and makes me see thatso many others understand the love/hate thing onlu us "pre-press" understand!! Really, it must be in our blood, or maybe its just the fumes!

Edited by: plategirl on Dec 21, 2007 3:06 AM

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