Hello to everybody and many thanks for your kind invitation.
Following your request to introduce myself I want to give you a brief overview about me and my work.
First of all the Google search link (also a new trend)

I'm owner of a full service advertising, marketing and design agency saddled in Germany named Dort and Schmitt. Our main business is the printing industry. Working for this industry sector since 21 years now means that we've a complex knowledge and broad network we're willing to share. To do so and in combination with our knowledge about Software programming and Web 2.0 networking we've used the last three years to develop a comprehensive new platform for the print and media industry. This brand new baby - named the PrintersLounge - is now alive since just a few days and has been developed together with our network partners from this industry sector.
If you're interested you can find further information about the Lounge at:
As a special offer for all members of this great PrintPlanet forum I want to invite all of you to become a premium member of the PrintersLounge absolutely free of charge and use all features and tools we can deliver for a full year without paying for anything. And don't fear - after this period your accounts will only be reduced to the free account level (and you can use all that free features unlimited in time) so there are no subscriptions, no automated renewals nor anything else you'll have to respect.
Why offering that? Well it's a brand new public beta and we'll need traffic and contents to test our server farm and our back- and frontend so we need members and we need contents and we're glad to provide you as a big thank you for your participation with a real cornucopia of great features to promote your business - also including free of charge advertising banners in the Lounge. Quit pro quo - no more, no less.
To do so and register for free just use this special referral link which let our admins know that you'll register for that free premium accounts:
Due to the fact that we'll start also our affiliate programm end of next week you'll be able to use this account also to make money with your recommendations for our lounge by simply inviting your friends and business partners to our network. We'll pay up to 10% for each paid membership you can refer.
So, enough yet - happy and succesful networking here and everywhere to all of you.
Best regards,
PS: Read our first press statement at